Login to access Black Munday: or, A full and exact description of that great and terrible eclipse of the sun which will happen on the 29. day of March 1652 [electronic resource] : beginning 48. minutes after 8. a clock in the forenoon, and ending 17. minutes after 11. in which time the sun will be almost totally darkened (as at the passion of our Savior) and the stars appear in the firmament in the day time. Also as astrologicall conjecture of the terrible effects that will probably follow thereupon, according to the judgment of the best astrologers: it threatens the fall of some famous kings or princes, and men in authority malice, hatred, uncharitablenesse, cruell wars and bloodshed, house-burnings, great robberies, thefts, plundering and pillaging, rapes, depopulation, violent and unexpected deaths, famine, plague, &c.