Joyfull Nevves from the treaty containing the Kings Majesties remonstrance and declaration at Newport in the Isle of Wight, [electronic resource] : on Sattnrday [sic] last, concerning the citizens of London, who petitioned against the treaty. And His propositions to all His Majesties subjectes within the said city, concerning the sense and resolution of His Majesty touching the Presbyterian government, and the peace of this chucrh [sic] and nation. Subscribed, Charles R. Whereunto is annexed, the answer of His Majesties loyall and faithfull subjects to the said desires, die 9. Octob. 1648. Perused and extracted out of the originall copies, and published by authority, for genrall satisfaction of all loyall and true-hearted subjects within the kingdom of England, and principalities of Wales

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