Collonel Morgans letter concerning his taking the strong garrison of Kildrummie from the highlanders in Scotland: [electronic resource] : with his letter and summons sent to Major Drumond, Major Drumonds answer thereunto; and the true copie of the articles concluded on between them: and the names of the hostages delivered for the performance thereof. Also, the highlanders falling down again into the lowlands, threatning fire and sword to all that refuse to joyn with them. And a great fight at Dunkill, the taking of Captain Thomason, and Col: Ramsies lieutenant, and 200 more prisoners, one hundred and fifty horse, and General Glencarns and the Earl of Kenmores ammunition, arms, bagg and baggage. And the blowing up of a strong castle with gunpowder. By J. Hill secretary to Collonel Morgan commander in chief of the English forces in the north of Scotland