Gao shi san yan shi ji : [shang zhong xia juan] / (Tang) Gao Zhengchen zhuan
高氏三晏詩集 : [上中下卷] / (唐) 高正臣輯
- Bib ID:
- 867062
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Description:
- [Taipei] : Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan, [1983]
- [Taipei] : 臺灣商務印書館, [1983]
- p. 1-10 ; 28 cm.
- Series:
- Ying yin Wen yuan ge Si ku quan shu ; di 1332 ce.
- Notes:
- Reproduced from the collection in possession of Kuo li ku kung po wu yüan.
- Each page represents 2 leaves of the original.
- Series title on cover and spine: Ying yin Wen yuan ge Si ku quan shu. Ji bu 271, Zong ji lei.
- Fu: Hsiang shan chiu lao shih (p. 8-10)
- Reproduced from the collection in possession of 國立故宮博物院.
- Series title on cover and spine: 景印文淵閣四庫全書. 集部271, 總集類.
- 附: 香山九老詩 (p. 8-10)
- Other authors/contributors:
- Yuan, Jie, 719-772. Qie zhong ji
- Yin, Fan, jin shi 756. He yue ying ling ji
- Rui, Tingzhang. Guo xiu ji
- Linghu, Chu, 765-836. Yu lan shi
- Gao, Zhongwu, 8th century Zhong xing jian qi ji
- Yao, He, 775-854? Ji xuan ji
- Pi, Rixiu, approximately 834-approximately 883. Songling ji
- Huangfu, Ran, 714-767. Er Huangfu ji
- Lingche. Tang si seng shi
- Xue, Tao, 768-831. Xue Tao Li Ye shi ji
- Wei, Hu, active 907-918. Cai diao ji
- bu zhu zhuan ren. Sou yu xiao ji
- Zhang, Qiao, jin shi 1213. Gu wen yuan
- 元結, 719-772. 篋中集
- 殷璠, jin shi 756. 河嶽英靈集
- 芮挺章. 國秀集
- 令狐楚, 765-836. 御覽詩
- 高仲武, 8th century 中興間氣集
- 姚合, 775-854? 極玄集
- 皮日休, approximately 834-approximately 883. 鬆陵集
- 皇甫冉, 714-767. 二皇甫集
- 靈澈. 唐四僧詩
- 薛濤, 768-831. 薛濤李冶詩集
- 不著撰人. 搜玉小集
- 韋縠, active 907-918. 才調集
- 章樵, jin shi 1213. 古文苑
- Copyright:
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- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1983
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