Proposals humbly offered to the honourable House of Commons, first, for a way or method to procure bullion, secondly, that His Majesty and subject will be gainers thereby, thirdly, that it will highly tend to the good of trade and commerce in general during the time the moneys shall be re-coining ... [microform]
- Bib ID:
- 883592
- Format:
- Book and Microform
- Author:
- R. B
- Description:
- [London : s.n., 1696]
- 1 broadside.
- Series:
- Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature ; no. 3246.
- Notes:
- Signed: R.B.
- Place and date of publication from Wing.
- Cited In:
- Goldsmiths' Lib. cat., 3246.
- Wing B169.
- Reproduction:
- Microfilm. New Haven, Conn. : Research Publications, [1974]. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature ; no. 3246).
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons
- Copyright:
Out of Copyright
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Created/Published Date is Before 1955
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 1696
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 1696
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