The common-wealths great ship commonly called the Soveraigne of the Seas, built in the yeare, 1637 [microform] : with a true and exact dimension of her bulk and burden, and those decorements which beautifie and adorne her, with the carving work, figures, and mottoes upon them : shee is besides her tunnage 1637 tuns in burden, shee beareth five lanthorns, the biggest of which will hold ten persons to stand upright, without shouldring or pressing one another, with the names of all the ropes, masts, sailes, and cordage that belong unto a ship : as also the names of all our commanders at sea, the number of men and gunnes which every ship carrieth both in their admirall, vice admirall, and reare-admirall : with all the fights wee have had with the Hollander, since the engagement of Lieutenant-Admirall Trompe neere Dover, against the English fleet under the command of Generall Blake, at the same time that three of their embassadours were here treating of peace : with a perfect rehearsall of an act for encrease of

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