Catalogue persistent identifier
Fulton, Austin. (1967). Through earthquake, wind and fire: church and mission in Manchuria 1867-1950; the work of the United Presbyterian Church, the United Free Church of Scotland, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with the Chinese Church in Manchuria, by Austin Fulton. Edinburgh : Saint Andrew P
Fulton, Austin. Through earthquake, wind and fire: church and mission in Manchuria 1867-1950; the work of the United Presbyterian Church, the United Free Church of Scotland, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with the Chinese Church in Manchuria, by Austin Fulton Saint Andrew P Edinburgh 1967
Fulton, Austin. 1967, Through earthquake, wind and fire: church and mission in Manchuria 1867-1950; the work of the United Presbyterian Church, the United Free Church of Scotland, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with the Chinese Church in Manchuria, by Austin Fulton. Saint Andrew P Edinburgh
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{{Citation | title=Through earthquake, wind and fire: church and mission in Manchuria 1867-1950; the work of the United Presbyterian Church, the United Free Church of Scotland, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with the Chinese Church in Manchuria, by Austin Fulton | author1=Fulton, Austin | year=1967 | publisher=Saint Andrew P | language=English | url= | access-date=14 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}