Report on the health of the Army
- Bib ID:
- 977342
- Format:
- Journal
- Author:
- Great Britain. Army Medical Services
- Description:
- London
- v. ill.
- Notes:
- 1943-1945 has title: Statistical report on the health of the Army.
- None issued Aug. 1914-1920. "The medical statistics for the period from 1st August, 1914, to 31st December, 1919, are being compiled in connection with the official medical history of the war."
- Continues Gt. Brit. Army Medical Dept. Report on the health of the Army.
- Life Dates:
- v. 57- 1921- Ceased in 1964
- Former Title:
- Gt. Brit. Army Medical Dept. Report on the health of the Army
- Other authors/contributors:
- Great Britain. Army Medical Services. Statistical report on the health of the Army
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- Reason for copyright status:
- Serials have an open range of dates.
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- Literary, dramatic or musical work
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