Catalogue persistent identifier
School of Arts of Edinburgh. (1822). First report of the directors of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, for the education of mechanics in such branches of physical science as are of practical application in their several trades [microform]. [Edinburgh : The School
School of Arts of Edinburgh. First report of the directors of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, for the education of mechanics in such branches of physical science as are of practical application in their several trades [microform] The School [Edinburgh 1822
School of Arts of Edinburgh. 1822, First report of the directors of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, for the education of mechanics in such branches of physical science as are of practical application in their several trades [microform]. The School [Edinburgh
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{{Citation | title=First report of the directors of the School of Arts of Edinburgh, for the education of mechanics in such branches of physical science as are of practical application in their several trades [microform] | author1=School of Arts of Edinburgh | year=1822 | publisher=The School | language=English | url= | access-date=14 March 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }}