- Régions tropicales1
- Réunion1
- Rhine River Valley1
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland1
- Rhodope Mountain1
- Rhone River Valley (Switzerland and France)1
- Riau (Indonesia : Province)3
- Rice1
- Richmond (Qld.)1
- Richmond (Tas.)1
- Richmond River (N.S.W.)1
- Richmond River (NSW N Coast SH56-03, SH56-02)1
- Richmond River Region (N.S.W.)1
- Rio Arriba County (N.M.)1
- River Murray (SW NSW, N Vic, SE SA SI54, SI55)3
- Riverina (N.S.W.)4
- Riverina(N.S.W.)1
- Riverland (S.A.)1
- Riverland Region (S.A.)1
- Riverton (S.A.)1