- A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church : anterior to the division of the East and West1
- A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic church1
- A Library of Protestant thought1
- A Library of fathers of the Holy Catholic Church : anterior to the division of the East and West1
- A Library of modern religious thought1
- A Libri del Borghese1
- A Longman paperback1
- A Magyar Orszagos Leveltar kiadvanyai, II. Forraskiadvanyok1
- A Magyar Orszagos Leveltar kiadvanyai. II, Forraskiadvanyok, ; Publicationes Archivi Nationalis Hungariae. II, Fontes1
- A Majellan publication1
- A New Directions book1
- A New history of Wales1
- A Pelican original1
- A Publication of the Presbyterian Historical Society1
- A Redemptorist pastoral publication1
- A Reflection book1
- A Religion and the people publication1
- A Rio Grande classic1
- A Russia today pamphlet1
- A Search book2