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- Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature89
- Forschungsberichte (Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche)9
- Early American imprints8
- OEEC statistical bulletins7
- S. hrg7
- United States. Congress. Senate7
- Policy research working papers6
- Policy research working paper5
- CIHM/ICMH microfiche series4
- Europe's Asian centuries3
- Fontana economic history of Europe3
- Forschungsberichte3
- Forschungsberichte (Wiener Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche)3
- Forschungsberichte - Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche3
- Making of the modern world. Part 2 (1851-1914)3
- OECD statistical bulletins3
- Occasional paper3
- Perspectives in economic and social history3
- The making of the modern world. Part 2 (1851-1914)3
- USITC publication3