1. Traeger : the pedal radio man : he gave a voice to the bush and to flying doctors / Fred McKay Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Book Language: English Published: 1995
2. The glory of going on / by James Frederick McKay Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Book Language: English Published: 1983
3. Papers of Fred Mckay, 1886-1952 [manuscript] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Manuscript Language: English Published: [1886-1952]
4. Australian Inland Mission first aid and welfare home, [7] [transparency] : Dunbar, Queensland / [Fred McKay] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Language: English Published: [between 1912 and 1951]
5. Headstone of the grave of Henry Ventlia Peckham, the 'Fizzer', Elsey Cemetery, Northern Territory, ca. 1945 [picture] / [Fred McKay] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Published: [ca. 1945]
6. Dr Jean White's Royal Flying Doctor Service De Havilland Fox Moth biplane [VH-URI] air ambulance upside down in paddock [transparency] : Fred McKay Cape York Peninsula and... Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Published: [1912-1940]
7. Dray pulled by horses in a rocky outback landscape with a hill and trees in the background [picture] : Fred McKay Cape York Peninsula and West Queensland Patrol 1938-1940 /... Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Language: English Published: [1938-1940]
8. Flock of emus in an outback landscape [picture] : Fred McKay Cape York Peninsula and West Queensland Patrol 1938-1940 / [Fred McKay] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Language: English Published: [1938-1940]
9. Freshwater spring between two hills [picture] : Cape York Peninsula and West Queensland Patrol areas, Fred McKay Patrol 1938-1940 / [Fred McKay] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Language: English Published: [1938-1940]
10. Group of men on top of a four-wheeled dray [picture] : Fred McKay Cape York Peninsula and West Queensland Patrol 1938-1940 / [Fred McKay] Author: McKay, Fred, 1907-2000 Format: Picture Language: English Published: [1938-1940]