Guide to the Papers of John Clunies-Ross (as filmed by the AJCP), 1824-1854


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Collection number:
Clunies Ross, John
7 items
Preferred citation:

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Journal of Capt. James Cook, 18 February 1770, British Library Add. MS 27885 (AJCP ref:

Access conditions:
Available for reference.


Content Summary:
The papers consist primarily of autobiographical writings of Clunies-Ross referring especially to his relations with Alexander Hare and the visit of HMS Beagle to Cocos in 1836.
Biographical / Historical:

John Clunies-Ross was born in Chetland and developed extensive commerical interests in Batvia, Singapore, the Seychelles and Mauritius before he formed a settlement on the Cocos-Keeling Islands in 1825. Clunies Ross did a great deal of writing in his later years, including a criticism of Darwin's work on coral reefs. He died on Cocos and his descendants have lived there for the next 150 years.

Access and use

Conditions Governing Access:
Available for Access.
Conditions Governing Use:
Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the British Library. For more information visit: How I use the images I order?-The British Library [].
Preferred citation:

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Journal of Capt. James Cook, 18 February 1770, British Library Add. MS 27885 (AJCP ref:

Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia