Autograph collection of F.J. Brooks of Cambridge, November 1766-1891 31 items Date: 1766-11/1891 Physical Description: 31 items
Blackett-Ord (Whitfield) Manuscripts, 29 April 1822-16 June 1843 2 items Unit ID: NRO 324 Date: 1822-04-29/1843-06-16 Physical Description: 2 items
Collections held by the Northumberland Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1766-May 1982 77 items Unit ID: M1652 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1766/1982-05 Creator: Northumberland Record Office Physical Description: 77 items
Deed of settlement between Isaac and Janetta Cookson of Lyttleton, New Zealand, and J.C.W. Russell and J. Hall of Christchurch, trustees of Mildred Ridley of Durham Unit ID: 22/7