Papers of Barry York, 1890-2010 (66 boxes) + 15 cartons + 1 small folio box + 1 packet + 3 folders Unit ID: MS 6947 et al. Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1890/2010 Creator: York, Barry, Dr, OAM Physical Description: (66 boxes) + 15 cartons + 1 small folio box + 1 packet + 3 folders
1st copy of York's M.A. Thesis "Sources of student unrest in Australia with particular reference to La Trobe University", (1983) Folio-Box Shared Date: (1983)
2nd copy of York's M.A. thesis "Sources of student unrest in Australia with particular reference to La Trobe University", 1983 Box (shared) Date: 1983
Australian-Educa Press: Correspondence with AE Press, and with the late Dr Michael Cigler, concerning the publishing venture, "Australian Ethnic Heritage Series", to which I contributed a volume on the Maltese in Australia (published in 1986). Correspondence. with the publisher, Andrew Snoek, copies of contracts, draft indexes for Maltese book, etc, 1985-1987 Box 3 (MS 6947) Unit ID: 1 Date: 1985/1987
A People's History of Australia project: Correspondence with editors, Jenny Lee and Verity Bergmann, regular mail-outs to contributors from editors, corresp. re-my chapter on 1960s youth protest. The "People's History" was published in 1988 in four volumes, 1987-1988 Box 3 (MS 6947) Unit ID: 2 Date: 1987/1988
The Maltese in Australia: Correspondence re - my 1986 book, "The Maltese in Australia", emphasizing launching and promotion of the book, letters of congratulations from Prime Minister Hawke and Maltese President, Agatha Barbara, invitation lists and cards, corresp. with media and community groups, etc, 1986-1987 Box 3 (MS 6947) Unit ID: 3 Date: 1986/1987
Publicity received by "The Maltese in Australia": multiple copies of reviews and reports in newspapers, journals and magazines, 1986-1987 Box 3 (MS 6947) Unit ID: 4 Date: 1986/1987
Campaign for Release from Pentridge Prison of Bill O'Meally: During the mid-1970s, I was active in a campaign for the release from prison of Victoria's longest serving inmate, Bill O'Meally, who had been gaoled in the early 1950s for the murder of a policeman. The material includes: photocopy of lengthy handwritten plea of innocence by O'Meally, poem written by another inmate about O'Meally and sent to me by O'Meally, various newspaper clippings and articles on the campaign, and original copies of a petition supporting O'Meally's release signed by officials of 21 trade unions, etc, 1976-1978 Box 3 (MS 6947) Unit ID: 5 Date: 1976/1978