3 issues of Punch (Melbourne) - 13/9/1923, 27/3/1924, 14/8/1924; The graphic of Australia, 12/11/1925., 1923-1925 Folio 2 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1923/1925
3 mounted photos taken at "Der deutsche Akadamie, München" - one exterior, one interior with "Herr Orlando", one interior "Alt. Musik Abend"), all April, 1937; photos 11x8cms., mount 21x17cms., 1937 Folio 1 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1937
3 photos from Egypt - "Arbre de la Vierge á Mataryeh", 28x22cms.; "[An obelisk at] Mataryeh", 22x28cms.; "Le Caire - entrée du pont de Kasr-el-Nil" Folio 1 Unit ID: 1
7 photos of Naples and surrounds - "Pompei: panorama e Vesuvio", "Napoli dalla tomba di Virgilio", "Napoli: via del porto", "Museo di Napoli: Ercole farnese, Glyson di Atene", "Museo di Napoli: Sala dei grandi bronzi: discobol e danzatriei di Ercolano"; "Museo di Napoli: marmi: Sala degl'Imperatori"; "Pompei scavi"; "[Garden of the house of Marcus… at Pompei]"; all 25x20cms. Folio 1 Unit ID: 1
9 issues of The Cape Horner, Winter 1968/9-Winter 1972/3, v.2 no.3- v3 no.5 (incomplete);,2 copies of Cape Horners - Australia, no. 45, May 1973; Sea breezes, v. 24 no. 142, Oct. 1957, 1957-1973 Box 27 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1957/1973
About 70 folders for photo negatives, many dated 1927 plus location of photos; all except five empty (two with prints, 3 with negatives). Coverage includes UK, Italy, Scandinavia, France, Switzerland, Australia, 1915-1945 Box 40 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1915/1945
Annual reports of The Royal Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria - Fiftieth (1913), Fifty-fourth (1917), fifty-fifth (1918), Sixty-third (1926), plus Programme of meetings and excursions of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, 1918-19, 1913-1926 Box 6 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1913/1926
Australian Goethe Society, Proceedings, 1949, 1954-55, 1956-59, 1949-1959 Box 15 Unit ID: 7 Date: 1949/1959
Booklets, official souvenirs, seating ticket for an outside stand (in envelope addressed to Howlett), postcards, etc. for the coronation of King George VI, 1937 Box 14 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1937
Box file marked "New Zealand - maps booklets" - pamphlets, brochures, maps, postcards, press cuttings, airline info., etc., 1957-1958 Box 28 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1957/1958
Box of theatre programmes from 1919 - c.1970; some of the early programmes name Howlett as a performer; most productions are in Melbourne, (one from Adelaide); some are school productions; many are for G, 1914-1972 Box 17 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1914/1972
Brochure, postcard, negatives and some prints from a trip to Norfolk Island; article in un-dated National Geographic Magazine about Norfolk Island; panorama taken from Norfolk Island mounted on light card Box 11 Unit ID: 3
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in UK, 1898-1961 Box 1 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1898/1961
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in UK, 1898-1961 Box 1 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1898/1961
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in UK, 1898-1961 Box 1 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1898/1961
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in UK, 1898-1961 Box 1 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1898/1961
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in various countries in Europe, North America, India, and New Zealand, 1931-1960 Box 1 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1931/1960
Brochures and booklets covering cities, villages, historical buildings, etc. in various countries in Europe, North America, India, and New Zealand; sheet music for "Ich war zu Heidelberg Student", by Otto Lob, poem by J. Lowenberg, published in the series "Einzellieder Kommersabende", no. 34., 1931-1960 Box 1 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1931/1960
Brochures, menus, etc. for trip on "Esperance Bay", 1949/50, Melbourne to Southampton; plus various other memorabilia, 1949-1965 Box 40 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1949/1965
Brown box marked "Central Australia papers, Aug-Sept, 1956", containing records of Melbourne Grammar School Central Australian tour, which Howlett attended - copy of intinerary; his detailed ms notes of the trip; 2 maps of NT (incl. Dept of Interior map, 1944 revision of 1934 map); unopened envelope from "Trish Studio, Alice Springs, N.T."; various other memorabilia, incl. promotional booklet (designed to be folded and posted) re commemoration of "Flynn of the Inland";, 1956-1961 Box 27 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1956/1961
Bundles of letters (some 500+) to Charles Howlett and his wife, from family and friends (many of the early ones from his mother), including overseas; mostly in date bundles, some by author's name; the great majority of letters are still in their original envelopes, many with legible post-marks, some have stamps removed; plus Victorian historical magazine, May, 1959 The Geographical magazine, May, 1946, 1912-1967 Box 30 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1912/1967
Certificate "Deutsche Akadamie Goethe-Institut…[in the name of ] Herr Charles Howlett… in München… 4 September, 1937"., 1937 Folio 1 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1937
Certificates and diplomas from tertiary institutions in France and Austria (and one from Melbourne), 1928-1951; certificates from the University of Melbourne for the awards of BA (1919), and LLB (1921); certificate of admission to practice law in Victoria (1923); certificate as Foundation member of the Australian Geographical Society (1946); certificate on appointment as Life Governor of the Children's Hospital, Melbourne (1941); certificate of matriculation from Melbourne University (1916); certificate of registration as a teacher, Victorian Council of Public Education (1932); certificate of life membership of the University of Melbourne Graduate Union (1954) ; certificate of service in the City of Melbourne Civil Defence Organisation (1945)., 1916-1954 Box 9 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1916/1954
Church related material - letters from the House of the Ascension, Goulburn, Jan. 1941 - Dec. 1942; Quarterly notes from the Community of the Ascension (Goulburn), no. 67, 1940 - no. 72, 1942, plus related material; 42 issues of the weekly brochure from Christ Church, South Yarra, 13 Dec., 1970 - 6 May, 1973 (incomplete); miscellaneous leaflets from other churches, 1917-1924; very small copy of The Book of Common Prayer (lacks cover and prelims), 1917-1973 Box 6 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1917/1973
Close-up photo of Roman [?] sculpture - male figure with 2 horns, long beard, holding tablets Folio 1 Unit ID: 1
Collection of pamphlets advertising 78rpm classical music recordings produced by HMV, Columbia, Electrola, etc. Box 15 Unit ID: 8
Copies of The Herald (Melbourne), 12 Dec 1919, 19 Dec 1919, Feb 25 1920, each containing news and information about successful flights by Ross and Keith Smith., 1919-1920 Box 4 Date: 1919/1920
Copy of the Speech Night report of the Headmaster of Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, 1967, 1967 Box 15 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1967
Copy of The star (Melb.), 6 May, 1935, Royal Jubilee Souvenir edition (George V); copy of Daily Telegraph (Lond.), 29 January, 1936, Pictorial supplement covering the funeral of King George V, 1935-1936 Box 14 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1935/1936
Envelope marked "Adelaide trip, August, 1966 [and] March, 1971" incl. brochures and maps for Adelaide and the Flinders ranges, and an envelope marked "South Australia, esp. Murray River Steamers" containing brochures; an envelope marked "Murray River cruise, May 1967", containing details of trip on P.S. Wanera (Mildura to wentworth), and other brochures, etc., 1966-1971 Box 28 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1966/1971
Envelope marked "Snowy Mountains tour, Dec. 1959", and folder marked "Snowy Mountains Scheme tour" - both containing pamphlets, brochures, maps, etc. from 1959, incl. several duplicates, 1959 Box 28 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1959
Five tourist brochures and booklets of UK sites; plus, one-inch map of the Lake District; two tourist maps of Paris Box 11 Unit ID: 1
Flush-mounted photo of a huge, costumed cast on stage (and also some of the audience) posed in an elaborate old-city set., with a banner reading "1834 [heraldic emblem] 1934" over the proscenium; 25x20cms., 1934 Folio 1 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1934
Flush-mounted sepia photo of 5 men sitting outside building - no annotations; 20x15cms Folio 1 Unit ID: 1
Folder containing two letters; loose, with envelopes attached, 1925, 1925 Box 10 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1925
Folder marked "Advertising material" - Ford (undated, 1920s?); Peugeot (1938), Chrysler (undated, from Chrysler Export Division, in French), Velocette L.E., Myer Store for Men Guide to autumn-winter fashions (1941), items re caravans, chewing gum, enamel paint, veteran cars, municipal services, West Coast Bungalows (California), safe deposit access., 1920s - 1941 Box 19 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1920s - 1941
Folder marked "Art" - incl. catalogues of exhibitions in Melbourne over the period 1917-1968; 5 Christies sales catalogues, 1974-1977; 2 UK portrait catalogues, 1917-1977 Box 12 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1917/1977
Folder marked "Art" - incl. Illustrated catalogue of the National Gallery (Victoria)(1914), exhibition catalogues for shows in Melbourne, 1917, 1919, 1925, 1934; exhibition catalogue for Mildura prize for sculpture, 1967; promotional material for The National Art Gallery and Cultural Centre of Victoria (1961), 1914-1961 Box 12 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1914/1961
Folder marked "Art, literature, music" - incl. A Festschrift titled "Studies in language and literature" presented to Augustin Lodewyckx, 1951, this copy inscribed by him to Howlett; 3 leaflets about The Australian Institute of the arts and literature (1921, 1924); newspaper cutting with the text of the winning short story in the Herald competition, July, 1924, by C. S. Bailey, signed by he author, 1921-1951 Box 12 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1921/1951