Papers of Charles Edward Howlett, 1914-1972 3.84 metres (50 boxes + 2 folios) Unit ID: MS 3896 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1914/1972 Creator: Charles Edward Howlett Physical Description: 3.84 metres and (50 boxes + 2 folios)
"The Gramophone" - July-Nov., 1955; April-July, 1956; March-Oct., 1957; Sept.1958-Jan., 1959; Feb. 1960., 1955-1960 Box 2 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1955/1960
Loose press cuttings of "Round Australia Expedition" from Melbourne, Adelaide, Townsville, Rockhampton, Brisbane, plus a MacRobertson's leaflet outlining the tour, and a reprint from "The Argus", May 26, 1928, titled "Westward Ho! Overland with the MacRobertson expedition"., 1928 Box 3 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1928
Miscellaneous publications - 3 issues of "The Cygnet, the High School Magazine, Perth, Western Australia", Dec. 1929, August 1930, June 1931; 4 issues of "ML Newsletter", published by the Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria, April, June, August, December, 1968; 6 issues of "Babel", journal of the Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria, April 1958-July 1969 (broken sequence); "Der Schallplattenfreund", undated catalogue of 78rpm recordings stocked by Lindberg, Munich; "Building in Britain", a pamphlet by John Eastwick-Field and John Stillman, for the British Information Serrvices (1960s?)., 1929-1969 Box 3 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1929/1969
Copies of The Herald (Melbourne), 12 Dec 1919, 19 Dec 1919, Feb 25 1920, each containing news and information about successful flights by Ross and Keith Smith., 1919-1920 Box 4 Date: 1919/1920
Individual copies of UK papers - Daily Mail (overseas ed.), 30/8/1924; Sunday Times, 27 August, 1950; The Observer, 27 August, 1950; The Times (airmail ed.), Oct. 6 and Dec. 14, 1950; advertising feature on British posters, from the The Times, 30 Oct., 1961, 1924-1961 Box 4 Date: 1924/1961
Individual copies of North American newspapers covering the assassination of President Kennedy and its aftermath - The Sun (Vancouver), 22 Nov. 1963; News Call Bulletin (San Francisco), 23 Nov. and 25 Nov., 1963; San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Nov., 1963; New York Times, 26 Nov., 1963, 1963 Box 4 Date: 1963
Individual copies of French newspapers - L'Action Francaise, 8 Nov., 1928; La Volonté Nationale, 17 Nov. 1928 and 26 Jan. 1929; Excelsior, 27 March, 1929, 1928-1929 Box 4 Date: 1928/1929