Serial - Trust newsletter: published monthly by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), new series, vol. 1, no. 21, May 1972 - vol. 7, no. ?, Nov., 1978 (incomplete), 1972-1978 Box 43 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1972/1978
Serial - Survival (Gould League of Victoria), No. 1, 1972 - no. 3, 1973, 1972-1973 Box 43 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1972/1973
Programmes for theatre, concerts, etc., Melbourne - 1972-1973, 1972-1973 Box 34 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1972/1973
Trust newsletter (National Trust of Australia, Victoria), 36 issues, March, 1969-April, 1972 (incomplete); Bulletin (National Gallery Society Society of Victoria), 11 issues, Dec. 1969-Nov. 1970; Art bulletin of Victoria, 1968-1969., 1969-1972 Box 27 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1969/1972
National Trust of Australia (Victoria) - various documents and publications, including "List of classified buildings, metropolitan and suburbs, as at 5th october, 1967" and "List of classified buildings, regional, as at 12th December, 1969"., 1969-1971 Box 6 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1969/1971
Copy of the Speech Night report of the Headmaster of Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, 1967, 1967 Box 15 Unit ID: 5 Date: 1967
Serial - Annual summary of the work of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), 11th, 1966-67 - 20th, 1975-76 (incomplete), 1966-1976 Box 43 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1966/1976
Folder marked "Canadian House of Commons debates" - all items relate to MP Grace McInnis, incl. 3 Official Reports of Debates (1966-1968) and copies of her Report [to constituents] from Ottawa, July, 1966 - June, 1972, 1966-1972 Box 19 Unit ID: 6 Date: 1966/1972
Envelope marked "Adelaide trip, August, 1966 [and] March, 1971" incl. brochures and maps for Adelaide and the Flinders ranges, and an envelope marked "South Australia, esp. Murray River Steamers" containing brochures; an envelope marked "Murray River cruise, May 1967", containing details of trip on P.S. Wanera (Mildura to wentworth), and other brochures, etc., 1966-1971 Box 28 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1966/1971
Individual copies of North American newspapers covering the assassination of President Kennedy and its aftermath - The Sun (Vancouver), 22 Nov. 1963; News Call Bulletin (San Francisco), 23 Nov. and 25 Nov., 1963; San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Nov., 1963; New York Times, 26 Nov., 1963, 1963 Box 4 Date: 1963