
Search Results

Papers of Charles and John Ulm, 1803-2015

2.97 metres (8 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 folio packet + 3 folders + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9923 comprises papers collected by Charles Ulm as well as those collected by his son, John. The papers comprise newspaper cuttings, stamps, commemorative envelopes, correspondence, brochures, research notes, articles, reviews, certificates, talks, handwritten notes, photocopies of government records, business papers, photographs, maps and ephemera. The largest series in the collection is the commemorative and philatelic material, comprising stamps, commemorative envelopes, tribute albums, newspaper cuttings, articles and reviews relating to the 50th anniversary of the first trans-Pacific flight. The 1928 flight saw Charles Ulm fly with Charles Kingsford-Smith on the Southern Cross from Oakland, California to Brisbane, Australia (8 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Papers of Harold Arthur Fraser, 1881-1986

6.4 metres (40 boxes + 1 folio + 1 elephant item)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers of agriculturalist and soil conservationist H. A. Fraser were donated to the Library by Mr Fraser in 1987.
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Records of the War Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1770-1960

1358 items
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The War Office records cover a wide variety of material relating to both Colonial and Australian involvements in armed conflicts. Amongst the records filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project are documents and correspondence of the Commander- in-Chief, Secretary-at-War, Secretary of State and Judge-Advocate General.
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Anne Summers Women's Collection, 1931-2017

796 items
Abstract Or Scope
The Anne Summers Women's Collection (ASWC) comprises of 796 books collected since the 1960s. This material is a unique record of the intellectual development of feminists engaging with transnational intellectual networks and social history of those times, including the impact of feminism on shaping social policy in Australia. The majority of materials in this collection are books published by various publishers including a number of government publications. The content covers a wide range of topics including women's rights, women's history, biographies, women and business, women in politics, sex roles, diversity, parenting, affirmative action for women, women and the media etc. There are also a small number of flyers, pamphlets, journal articles and speeches included in this collection. Most of of the volumes in this collection have handwritten annotations by Anne Summers. The collection also includes wide-ranging accompanying materials originally inserted into individual volumes, such as postcards, bookmarks, post-it notes, newspaper cuttings, press releases, invitations, letters, etc.

Papers of Gordon Hannington Luce, c.1912-1978

7.84 metres (57 boxes + 6 folio boxes + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The books and papers of Gordon H. Luce, the eminent scholar of Burmese history, were purchased from his family in 1980, one year after his death. Further additional papers were received in 1985 and 1987.

Papers of Edwin G. Tscharke, 1930-1998

5.1 metres (30 ms boxes + 1 large folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents aspects of life in remote Papua New Guinea, and in particular the process of establishing a primary care health facility with local community involvement.

Anzacs and Anzac Day 2010 - 2019 : programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2010 - 2019

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
Material includes Order of Services, concert and event programs, song and hymn sheets, and lecture programs for events held in Australia, Turkey, The United Kingdom, Thailand, France, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, and New Zealand.

Papers of Bernard Smith, 1902-2011

(113 ms boxes + 2 elephant folios + 1 large folio +1 archives box + 3 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 8680 comprises correspondence, principally with Jack Lindsay, 1979-1988, handwritten drafts, notes and typescripts of talks, lectures, addresses, book reviews and articles. There are a large number of drafts of articles, later published in journals and newspapers such as Meanjin, Art and Australia and the Age.

Ferguson local history microform collection, 1843-1975

Abstract Or Scope
Microform reproductions of mainly Australian local, church and school history pamphlets, arranged by state and locality, collected by John Alexander Ferguson. The collection includes material relating to New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea and Antarctica and some Pacific islands.
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[Nimrod Theatre Company : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia], 1970 - 1988

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
The Nimrod Theatre Company, also known simply as The Nimrod, was an Australian theatre company in Sydney, New South Wales. It was founded by in 1970 by Australian actors John Bell, Richard Wherrett and Ken Horler, and produced "good new Australian drama". The Company was originally located in Nimrod Street, Kings Cross, in a building which is now home to Griffin Theatre Company. The company moved in 1974 to Belvoir Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, but retained its original name. From 1981-1988 it also played in the Seymour Centre theatres, but ceased operations in 1988. Subsequently, the Surry Hills venue became known as the Belvoir St Theatre.
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Papers of Maslyn Williams, 1850-1995

12.3 metres (70 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 7 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes material about Williams' World War II service and items pertaining to the photographer Damian Parer; research notes and manuscripts relating to publications about Asia; research note and manuscripts relating to Australian historical research and other writings; research notes and manuscripts relating to the history of the British Phosphate Commission; papers relating to the founding of the National Music Camp Association; other papers including drafts of writings.
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Records of the Commonwealth Games Australia, 1978-1982

33.88 metres (424 boxes + 1 folio)
Abstract Or Scope
Files of the Accreditation, Ceremonial, Communications, Corporate Funding, Marketing, Media Services, Operations, Personnel, Protocol, Transport, and Village divisions of the Foundation. Also includes records relating to promotions and advertising, staffing, accommodation, ticket sales and other records.
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Papers of Mary E. White, 1984-2007

38 Cold Store binders [9097 slides]
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises slides taken by Jim Frazier during fieldwork with Mary E White. The images, which document fossils, landscapes, minerals and other geological features, were used for many of her publications including "The Greening of Gondwana" (1986), "Time in Our Hands: Semi-Precious Gemstones: Keys to the Geological Past" (1991), "Nature of Hidden Worlds: Reading the rock" (1999) and others. It provides a valuable documentary record of Australia's unique geology and landscape and is a testament to changing relationship of Australia's to the environment. Many of the slides have annotated housing with outlines, species names, measurements, and other information. There is also a small number of photographic prints and negatives included in the collection.
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Records of the Australian Youth Orchestra, 1948-2012

(118 boxes + 5 cartons + 5 folio boxes + 2 archives boxes + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The records in MS 7979 comprise early historical material, reports, brochures, cuttings, records relating to finances and appeals, photographs, Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) records, 1958-1988, including overseas tours, National Music Camp Association correspondence, 1953-1972, records on state camps, 1965-1980, numbered files, files on national music camps, 1954-1988, records on international camps, general administration records, 1973-1987, subject files, and other records (104 boxes).

Penny Tweedie Archive, 1958-2010, 1958 - 2010

40.95 metres (192 PIC boxes, 25 folio boxes, 3 map drawers)
Abstract Or Scope
The archive includes Penny Tweedie's photojournalist activities including war and conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The archive documents her interraction with Aboriginal Australia beginning in 1975 leading to a number of published works and the 1999 Walkley Award for photojournalism.

Orange, New South Wales : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
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