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Records of the Uniting Church in Australia Frontier Services, 1897-2011

(2 Folders + 277 MS Boxes + 254 Archive Boxes + 2 Small Folio Boxes + 7 Medium Folio Boxes + 6 Large Folio Boxes + 5 Phase Boxes + 23 Volumes in bags + 2 Packets + 1 Map Folio + 5 Elephant Folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The great bulk of this collection is correspondence files with various subject headings. There are also minutes, financial records, maps, plans, photographs, news cuttings, printed material. All aspects of the Australian Inland Mission (A.I.M.) are represented, including history, the Aerial Medical Service, hospitals and hostels, United Church in Northern Australia, National and State Councils, publicity material, Far North Children's Health Scheme, Federal Methodist Inland Mission, patrol padres, Rev. John Flynn and Rev. Fred McKay. Also several artefacts and pieces of A.I.M. equipment.

Papers of Hazel Rowley

(28 boxes + 1 folder + 5 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises papers pertaining to Rowley's biographies: 'Christina Stead: A Biography (1994)', 'Richard Wright: The Life and Times (2001),' 'Tête-à-tête: The Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre' (2005), 'Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage' (2010). They include Rowley's correspondence with her subjects and those who knew them. In the first consignment the major correspondents are Edith Anderson, Leda and Stanley Burnshaw, Gwen Walker-Smith, Florence James, Jessie and Ettore Rella, Ruth Hall, David Stead, Ron Geering, Clifton Fadiman, Kate Llwellyn, Mary Bransten, Nadine Mendelson, Elizabeth Harrower, Gai Steel, Michael Bott, Margaret Harris, Michael Gold, Edith Anderson, Anne and Harry Bloom, Gilbert Stead, Fred Warburg, Oliver Stallybrass, Leah and Philip Harvey, and Aida Kotlarsky.In the second consignment of note is an original letter from Simone de Beauvoir, and original letters of Christina Stead. Other correspondents include Clem Christesen, Harper Lee, Simone de Beauvoir, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, William Vanden Heuvel, Constance Webb, Richard Wright, Barbara Baer, Oliver Stallybrass and Toril Moi, There are photographs, research files, transcripts and notes of interviews, manuscripts and papers for other work on topics such as 'The Hollywood Ten' and a copy of Rowley's thesis 'The Female Experience in the Autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir and Violette Leduc'. Journals, diaries, notes and log books provide further insight into Rowley's research work conducted in Australia and overseas.
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Papers of Grace Nolan, 1948-2021

(2 ms boxes, + 1 folder + 3 digital carriers + 16 audiovisual carriers + 6 audio carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
This consignment features folk stories of Grace Nolan's mother, Carmela Speranza, from her birth town in Italy, collected through audio visual recordings of her mother. These stories have been documented in Grace's manuscripts titled "More Stories My Mother Told Me" and "The Sun My Father The Moon My Mother", in which she has extended the work she began in her thesis "The Stories My Mother Told Me". These writings explore the oral tradition along with further background and collected stories. The stories have been recorded in the original dialect and translated by Grace into English, providing insight into the life of a migrant woman in Melbourne in the 1950s. There are copies of related texts - Folklore Della Calabria Vol 1 and Vol 2 by A. Basile (Ed) and Genevieve of Brabant by Christopher Von Schmid. There are copies and original family photographs taken in Italy and after Carmela migrated to Melbourne, Australia.
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McArthur-Macpherson Family Papers, 1844-2009

9.8 metres (14 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers are made up of a combination of documents, business records, correspondence, photographs and printed ephemera from and about the properties of Diana Baillieu's ancestors in Western Victoria; clippings, family history research material (some originals and many photocopies), printed ephemera, and correspondence among members of Diana Baillieu's generation. Interspersed among the papers are documents, correspondence, printed ephemera relating to Waltzing Matilda and specifically Christina Macpherson's role in introducing A.B.Paterson to the tune for the song.
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Papers of Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson (Lord Novar), 1912-1935

(16 ms boxes + 1 archive box + 2 small tubes + 1 packet + 2 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the collection falls within the period 1914-1920 when Lord Novar of Raith (Sir Ronald Craufurd Munro-Ferguson) was Governor-General. It includes official despatches from Novar to the King, private letters from Novar to the King's Private Secretaries and their replies, both personal and official despatches to the Secretaries of State for the Colonies and their replies and correspondence relating to Novar's official duties as Governor-General. Voluminous personal correspondence includes letters with W.M. Hughes, G.F. Pearce and leading military and political figures in Australia and England. The subject matter of both personal and official files includes the war, including recruiting and conscription, Australian political events at State and Commonwealth levels, the Australian economy, and Australian, Japanese, and British interests in the Pacific region. Correspondents include L.S. Amery, Sir James W. Barrett, Sir Edmund Barton, General W.R. Birdwood, Sir William Bridges, Sir James Burns, Bede Clifford, Sir Joseph Cook, Andrew Fisher, Lord Forrest, Sir Samuel Walker Griffith, L.V. Harcourt, A. Bonar Law, Walter Long, Sir Alfred Milner, Lord Stamfordham, Sir George Steward, Sir Gerald Strickland, Sir Henry MacMahon, Sir John Maxwell, J.G. Legge, Sir George Houston Reid, W. Watt, and E.D. Millen.

Darryl Thompson menu collection, 1859-2014

Abstract Or Scope
The Darryl Thompson Menu Collection includes menus from across Australia, domestic and international ships and airlines, several countries including France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and the Zollinger collection.

Rail tourism : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 141

Referendum 14 October 2023 : ephemera relating to the Australian Indigenous Voice referendum, 2023

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
A collection of chiefly printed ephemera concerned with the issues and debate for and against a vote for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament referendum of 14 October 2023. The following materials are held: Brochures, booklets, banners, campaign buttons, caps, Internet webpage prints, media statements, pamphlets, posters, refrigerator magnets, stickers, sample ballot papers, speeches, T-shirts.
Top 3 results view all 237

2023 Referendum, 2023 2 cards Box [unnumbered]


Papers of Thomas Keneally, 1854-2023

(407 ms boxes + 3 folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 binder + 1 packet + 36 digital carriers + approximately 1211 audiovisual carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6428 comprises manuscripts and typescripts of novels, plays, short stories and articles and extensive correspondence. Works among the manuscripts include Bring larks and heroes, Confederates, The cut-rate kingdom, Halloran's little boat, Ned Kelly and the city of bees, Passenger, Season in purgatory, The survivor, A victim of the Aurora, "Bligh", and "Burke and Wills". A large proportion of the correspondence is with publishers, literary agents and editors including Philip Ziegler, Tessa Sayle, James Moad, Thomas Stewart, Peter Grose, Donald Horne, Peter Cross, W.R. Cumming, John Abernethy, Clem Christesen, Tim Curnow, Geoff Barnes, Geoffrey Blainey, Alec Bolton, Barbara Buick, Peter Coleman, Sir William Collins, Xavier Herbert, Leonie Kramer, Les Murray, Cyril Pearl, Grace Perry, Patricia Rolfe, Fred Schepisi, Gavin Souter and Douglas Stewart. Papers relating to Keneally's involvement with the Australian Republican Movement include correspondence, administrative papers, cuttings, publicity material, newsletters and journals (16 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Papers of Raymond Watt, 1887-2003

4.92 metres (27 archives boxes + 2 folders)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 1923 comprises newspaper cuttings, notes, broadcasts, correspondence, addresses, articles, pamphlets, printed materials and other records relating to Raymond Watt's work for the Australian League of Nations Union and as a public relations consultant. The papers also include personal reseach files on international and Australian domestic affairs, career opportunities in Australia, art, literature and other topics (27 boxes).

Papers of Dame Rachel Cleland, 1885-2002

(63 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The MS 9601 collection comprises correspondence, drafts, speeches, photographs and papers relating to the Aboriginal land rights and environmental causes Rachel Cleland supported in Australia.
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Papers of Roberta "Bobbi" Sykes, 1970-2010

(5 archives boxes + 1 ms box + 1 large folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Roberta 'Bobbi' Sykes - poet, author and activist for Indigenous rights. This collection contains speeches, correspondence, papers and articles, as well as photographs and audio cassettes.
Top 3 results view all 78

Brisbane, Queensland : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 179

Records of the Christmas Island Staff Association, 1976-1982

1.82 metres (13 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The records of the Christmas Island Staff Association were donated to the National Library by the former secretary of the Association, Bill Bovell. They cover the activities of the Association from its formation in 1976 until it was disbanded in 1982. Most of the material consists of files, some of which are numbered and well indexed on the inside front cover. An index to these is appended. These files include minutes; correspondence, discussions, agreements, newsletters and administrative records. Unnumbered files relate mainly to the union activities of the Association and date from early 1980. However some fall within the previously mentioned categories and have been grouped with like files in the series. Correspondence covers letters, both typed and handwritten and telexes. It is filed according to correspondents which are the British Phosphate Company (and later the Phosphate Mining Company of Christmas Island), the Government (both that of the Territory of Christmas Island and the Australian), the Arbitrator (Mr J. Taylor) and members of the Association, Union records include claims, disputes, variations to the award and salaries and conditions of employment. The issue of "redundancy" was an important one throughout the life of the Association and not only are a number of files devoted to it but there are references to it on many of the other files. Besides the Associations records the collection includes records of the Christmas Island Advisory Council and submissions to the Sweetland Inquiry into the viability of Phosphate mining on Christmas Island. The creation of series has been based on the arrangement of the Associations file index. As already mentioned both numbered and unnumbered files have been grouped when they are related and each file has been given a unique number for identification within a series. To avoid confusion with file index numbers these latter numbers have been incorporated into the title of the file. A list of files is given in Appendix II.
Top 3 results view all 110

Papers of Sir Frederick Wheeler, 1924-1994

9.58 metres (42 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the papers in this collection comprise files which relate to Wheeler's time as Chairman of the Public Service Board (1960-71) and as Secretary of the Commonwealth Treasury (1971-79).
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Papers of Henry Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle under Lyme (as filmed by the AJCP), 1841-1865

57 items
Abstract Or Scope
Letter-books, correspondence and official papers documenting such subjects as: colonial appointments; honours; constitutional difficulties in New South Wales; inter-colonial relations; Victorian goldfields; the New Zealand Company; church in the colonies; introduction of coloured labour; colonial defences; transportation to Western Australia; the Maori Wars; confiscation of Maori lands; and American claims to Fiji.
Top 3 results view all 65

Australia, 1841-1865 7 items


Papers of Eric C. Rolls., 1821-2009

(34 MS Boxes + 2 Packets)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 7027 comprises correspondence, manuscripts, lectures, reviews, notes, posters, photographs, publications, and historical material on the Doyle and Eather families. The collection includes manuscripts of The green mosaic, Running wild, The river and A million wild acres. Many of the papers relate to natural history and conservation in New South Wales. Correspondents include George Johnston, Douglas Stewart, John Tierney, Nancy Keesing, Barry Watts, Barbara Ker Wilson, John Thompson, Hal Porter and Elizabeth Harrower (34 boxes, 1 fol. box).