
Search Results

Papers of Alexander Dalrymple, 1784-1806

(3 security binders + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
Manuscript letters from Dalrymple to: Lord Morton, Court of Directors of the East India Co., Earl Spencer, Duke of Portland, Lord Grenville and G. Chalmers. Letters and papers include chart of the Pacific (printed) appearing in "A serious Admonition to the Publick on the Intended Thief Colony at Botany Bay", a memorandum suggesting transporting of convicts to Tristan da Cunta instead of Botany Bay, also papers concerning India and Cochin, China, etc.
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Papers of Alexander Dalrymple, 1784-1806 (3 security binders + 1 map folio)


Papers of Alexander Dix, 1937-1999

1.4 metres (10 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers mainly document Dix’s schooldays and early career and his public activities in the last twenty years or so of his life. They include letters, speeches, notes, photographs, certificates, invitations, programs, agenda papers and minutes, official papers, newspaper cuttings and publications. There are papers relating to many of the organisations and institutions with which Dix was involved and in particular the 1979-81 Committee of Inquiry into the Australian Broadcasting Commission (the Dix Committee) and the National Museum of Australia. Correspondents include Jerry Ellis, Sir William Heseltine, Sir Geoffrey Yeend, Sir Harold White, J. Norgard and H.E. Maude.
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Papers of Alexander Dix, 1937-1999 1.4 metres (10 boxes)


Papers of Alexander Home, 1777-1779

0.06 metres (1 folder + 1 volume)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises original material (two manuscripts) plus typescript transcripts. Folio manuscript, 32 pages, no covers, written by Alexander Home includes 'The Account of Ottihiti and Our Transaction there, Continued' [pp 19-27, 30-41]; 'A description of the Vale of Tiarabuwh some Remarks on its inhabitants' [pp 42-54]; 'Lattd and Long. of places Touched at and Discovered by the Resolution and Discovery wh the Dates. Var: hight of the tides there Set of the nidle Thermometer' [pp 28-29]. Octavo manuscript, 66 pages, vellum cover, inscribed 'LOG BOOK of Captain Alex: Home R.N. of Buskenburn, Berwickshire while with Captain Cook on his last voyage 1776' includes proceedings of HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery at Owyhee in the Sandwich Islands, 7 February - 15 March 1779, including a description of the death of Captain Cook (15pp);'An account of Kamschatska', April 1779 (48pp).The typescript transcripts cover the complete contents of the Folio manuscript plus the first 15 pages of the Octavo manuscript.
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Papers of Alexander Home, 1777-1779 0.06 metres (1 folder + 1 volume)


Papers of A. J. Forbes, 1942-1993

7.2 metres (47 MS Boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist of memoranda, circulars, minutes, agenda, correspondence, speeches, drafts, articles, published materials and diaries.
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Papers of A. J. Forbes, 1942-1993 7.2 metres (47 MS Boxes)


Papers of June Alexander, 1958-2023

(12 ms boxes + 2 digital carriers + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises handwritten diary entries by June Alexander, who grew up on a dairy farm and wrote about family, working and rural life, from the age 12 upwards until 2016. The handwritten diaries are complimented by ephemera, letters and email printouts, photographs of family and friends, digital diaries (2015-2023) and letters (1998-2009). The personal diaries form the basis for Alexander's memoir, documenting struggles with mental health, an eating disorder, relationships, studies, writing career and aspirations. There are drafts, publisher letters and a signed published copy of Alexander's 2009 memoir A Girl Called Tim. Newspaper clippings of articles, both about and by Alexander, are interfiled in the diaries. There are two early school books (scrapbooks), with awards, newspaper clippings and other items relating to Alexander's early writings.
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Papers of June Alexander, 1958-2023 (12 ms boxes + 2 digital carriers + 1 folder)


Records of Alfred Herbert Ltd (as filmed by the AJCP), 1918-1961

5 items
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, memoranda, notes on foundation of Alfred Herbert (Australasia) Pty Ltd, auditors reports and annual accounts. Correspondents include C.E. Young, Sir Alfred Herbert, D. Gimson, and Norton, Smith Co, Sydney.
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Papers of Alfred William Foster, 1935-1961

0.15 metres (3 volumes, 1 envelope)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers comprise Alfred William Foster's notes and memoranda (1942-44) concerning the manpower situation and Women's Employment Board; texts of his addresses to various bodies (1935-61); bound volumes of Women's Employment Board decision and indexes (1942-47).
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Papers of Alfred William Foster, 1935-1961 0.15 metres (3 volumes, 1 envelope)


Papers of Harcourt Algeranoff, 1830-1967

3.78 metres (27 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers primarily relate to Algeranoff's employment in various companies and organisations including the Anna Pavlova Company, Ballets Russes, International Ballet, Australian Children's Theatre, Carl Rosa Opera Company, Borovansky Ballet, Australian Ballet and the North West Victoria Ballet Society. There is also family, personal, business and financial correspondence; family papers; diaries; lectures and articles; financial papers; cuttings and cutting books; photographs; programs; publications; and material relating to writings by Algeranoff including his ballet For love or money and his memoirs My years with Pavlova.
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Papers of Harcourt Algeranoff, 1830-1967 3.78 metres (27 boxes)


Papers of Al Grassby, 1965-1984

8.7 metres (44 boxes, 6 cartons, 1 folio item)
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Papers of Al Grassby, 1965-1984 8.7 metres (44 boxes, 6 cartons, 1 folio item)

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Papers of Alice Halmagyi, 1961-1973 0.07 metres (1 security binder)