
Search Results

Papers and correspondence of Henry Handel Richardson, 1852-1983

13.15 metres (18 ms boxes + 4 archives boxes + 33 security binders + 1 small folio box + 1 medium phase box + 1 large folio box + 2 map folios + 2 volumes + 1 scrapbook + 2 folio packets + 93 books)
Abstract Or Scope
Drafts, including manuscripts, of Neils Lyhne, The young Cosima, Myself When Young, The End of a Childhood Ultima Thule. Original typescript versions of: Maurice Guest, The Getting of Wisdom, Myself When Young. Final copies of: Maurice Guest, The Getting of Wisdom, The Fortunes of Richard Mahony The Young Cosima. Notes photos for The Fortunes of Richard Mahony. Letters to writer Oliver Stonor 1929-1946, copies of 50 letters 1931-1933 to Jacob Schwartz photocopies of letters 1911-1946, to Mary Kernot. (Many of the original handwritten drafts of her works were destroyed in Henry Handel Richardson's lifetime). Original manuscript music scores by Richardson; correspondence with Paul Solanges 1910-1914 notes on his translation of 'Maurice Guest'; albums of newspaper cuttings; editions of her books and books used by her in researching 'The young Cosima'. Also, a copy of a record, (1953) of Walter Lindesay Richardson MD at the Yarra Bend Asylum 1878-1879.
Top 3 results view all 574



Records of the Australian National Research Council, 1919-1954

4.5 metres (66 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers include Executive Council minute books (1926-1953); and minutes of general meetings (1921-1955); correspondence for the years 1920-1954, largely arranged by subject, concerning the internal administration of the Council, its many activities and affiliations within Australia in the cause of scientific research, and its links with overseas bodies, including the International Research Council; a complete set of Australian Social Science Abstracts; press cuttings concerning the work of Australian scientists (1922-1927); and the financial records of the Council, being bank books, balance sheets, receipt books and ledgers.
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- Box 58


Papers of John Joseph Davoren, 1922-1971

4.79 metres (8 archive boxes + 5 ms boxes + 1 ms carton + 1 large folio box + 1 medium phase box + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers reflect Davoren's legal work and include briefs, addresses to juries, and copies of journal and seminar articles. There is also correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, cash ledger and address books and some printed items.
Top 3 results view all 139

? Box 12


Papers of Sir Neville Howse, 1910-1967

0.75 metres (2 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
'Suma' Howse family farm outside Orange, N.S.W. Now Orange airport. 'Nareena' Howse family home in Orange, N.S.W. 'Killiney' Howse family home in Orange, N.S.W.
Top 3 results view all 173





Papers of Anna Reynolds, 1998-2004

(503 digital files)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection primarily comprises material created and maintained by Anna Reynolds during her time as founder and coordinator of the Climate Action Network Australia (CANA), 1998-2001. CANA is "... a network of organisations working together to protect people from climate change and its impacts, to safeguard our natural environment, and to build a fairer and healthier Australia". The collection includes conference programs, reports, correspondence, budget and funding files, website content, files relating to the World Wildlife Fund, media releases, planning and briefing documentation, subject files, tax campaigns, CANA directories, presentations, submissions and meeting files.

Papers of Peter Freeman, 1800-2021

(161 ms boxes + 62 binders + 4 large folio boxes + 19 medium folio boxes + 26 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6421 comprises correspondence, drafts and photographs for publication by Oxford University Press of Peter Freeman's 1982 book The homestead: a Riverina anthology.
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Top 3 results view all 654

Papers of Michael Noonan, 1891-1997 (bulk 1945-1997)

15.96 metres (114 ms boxes + 1 small folio box + 1 packet + 2 map folios + 3 sound/av carriers + 9 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers comprise Michael Noonan's literary output as a scriptwriter for radio, television and film and as a novelist and biographer from the 1940s until the publication of his autobiography in 1995. The literary papers include drafts, plot outlines, film treatments, notebooks, research materials and business correspondence. The collection also includes family and general correspondence, personal documents, legal papers and photographs. Major correspondents include Bill and Ann Moloney, Harvey Unna (agent), Kurt Hellmer (agent), Nadine Hopkins, Catherine Ingall, Chips Rafferty, Harry Rosengrave and Ted Willis.
Top 3 results view all 320

Papers collected by Leon Kashnor, 1650-1870

(1 medium folio box + 15 archives boxes + 10 folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The main bulk of the manuscripts is made up of some fifteen hundred pieces from the Townshend papers relating chiefly to the period 1688 to 1753. Apart from the principal group the collection includes Gregory King's Observations and conclusions natural and political, upon the state and condition of England etc.. some letters of John Stuart Mill, a number of letters from Robert Owen, (a small group written mainly by Chartists to J.A. Roebuck), (and a considerable group of letters and other material of W.J. Linton).
Top 3 results view all 1571
Top 3 results view all 652

Papers of Geoffrey Bolton, 1931-2015

(70 ms boxes + 1 card box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents Geoffrey Bolton's professional life as an historian, academic and author. They include correspondence, reviews, notes, projects, lectures, speeches, conference papers, drafts of writings, cuttings, photographs and other printed material. Subjects include Bolton's association with The Oxford History of Australia, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate, Constitutional Centenary Foundation and the Australian Bicentennial History Project; papers relating to publications include 'A fine country to starve in', 'Being whitefella', 'Richard Daintree: a photographic memoir', 'Spoils and Spoilers: Australians make their environment 1788-1980', 'A Thousand miles away : a history of north Queensland to 1920', 'Dick Boyer, an Australian humanist', 'Paul Hasluck : a life' and 'Edmund Barton'.
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Records of the Australian Reproductive Health Alliance, 1989-2012

(119 ms boxes + 1 elephant folio item + 1 rolled items box)
Top 3 results view all 788

Papers of Ken Ferguson, 1936-2007

18.45 metres (101 ms boxes + 1 large folio box + 6 small folio boxes + 1 medium elephant folio)
Top 3 results view all 955

March 4 Justice: ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2021-03-15

Abstract Or Scope
Held on the 15th of March 2021, the March 4 Justice protests were a grass roots movement. Initiated in response to recent reporting regarding the alleged rape of political staffer Brittany Higgins at Parliament House and alleged historical rape allegations against then Attorney General Christian Porter, the protests were largely organised via social media. Janine Hendry is credited as sending the Tweet that started the movement (, The Guardian Australia).
Top 3 results view all 130
Top 3 results view all 491

Joyce Evans archive, 1946-2017

71561 items (96 MS boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 10128 120mm negatives (B&W + colour) + 52339 35mm negatives (B&W + colour) + 3209 negatives, various sizes (B&W + colour) + 31 audio cassettes + 2 audio CDs + 1 VHS + 417 photographs (B&W) + 2383 photographs (colour) + 983 colour polaroid photographs + 2068 contact sheets)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes business notes, teaching materials, correspondence, exhibition ephemera and planning notes, valuations, oral histories, journals, financial records, and photographic material.
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Mary Broderick Lowe photographic archive, 1955-1981

2025 slides
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises 2025 slides mostly capturing views of Canberra and the surrounding Australian Capital Territory region, including the Snowy Mountains, New South Wales. It also includes views from various locations in the Northern Territory, Tasmania, Adelaide and New South Wales, and New Zealand.
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Papers of Margaret Lasica, 1935-1997

(27 boxes + 6 folio boxes + 1 elephant folio item + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
The Papers of Margaret Lasica are professional and personal papers documenting Lasica's involvement with a variety of Australian dance companies, her professional reading, and the Modern Dance History Project and Archive. The most extensive components of the collection are those relating to the Modern Dance Ensemble, and The Modern Dance History Project and Archive, which was initiated by Lasica to document the early history of modern dance in Australia.
Top 3 results view all 272

1 Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


10 - Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


10 - Beck Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


[Ephemera relating to Australian federal election campaigns between 1931 and 1937], 1931-1937

Abstract Or Scope
This collection covers ephemera produced for the Australian federal election campaigns held between 1931 and 1937; including the federal elections of 19 December 1931, 15 September 1934 and 23 October 1937. As well as the Wynnum By-election (28 April 1934) and the Australian Labor Party Senate Selection Ballots for 1931, 1934 and 1937. The collection covers mainly printed materials issued by the parties and independents for both Houses of Parliament. The range of ephemera includes leaflets, flyers, newspaper clippings, envelopes and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 278

Kapunda, South Australia : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
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Retirement : ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2018-12-21

Abstract Or Scope
Information brochures and advertising.
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Papers of Ernest and Virtie Crome, 1784-1987

(166 boxes + 30 small folio boxes + 16 medium folio boxes + 22 large folio boxes + 1 large volume + 90 albums + 45 elephant folio items)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers reflect Ernest Crome's long passion for aviation history and airmails. The collection comprises material collected by Crome, whether given to him directly by aviators or their families, or acquired commercially.
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Papers of Bruce Smeaton, 1945-2014

(27 ms boxes + 48 small music folio boxes + 14 medium folio boxes + 7 small folio boxes + 17 large music folio boxes + 1 archival bag + 7 elephant folios + 4 large folio boxes + 1 phase box)
Abstract Or Scope
The Papers of Bruce Smeaton comprise original feature film, television drama and television commercial scores, working notes and parts, along with initial sketches for cues, composed and orchestrated by Smeaton between 1975-2005. The film scores include Picnic at Hanging Rock, the Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, the Devil's Playground, the Cars That Ate Paris, Monkey Grip, Grendel Grendel Grendal, Roxanne starring Steve Martin and Plenty starring Meryl Streep. The television scores include Seven Little Australians, Ben Hall, A Town Like Alice, The Eureka Stockade, Patrol Boat and Castaway. Also included are newsletters for the Composers and Songwriters Guild of Australia, a group formed in Sydney in the 1970's, for which Smeaton was an editor.
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Papers of Sir John Cramer, 1912-1981

5.32 metres (38 boxes + 4 folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes correpondence, diaries, speeches and notes, cuttings and cutting books, photographs, personal documents and invitations, financial papers and ptinted material.
Top 3 results view all 305

R. C. Strangman photographic archive, 1910-1980

(5 ms boxes, 2 folio boxes, 14 Cold Store binders, 11 PIC albums, 2 oversize objects, 2 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises R.C. Strangmans photographic archive containing many 35mm colour slides documenting Canberra scenes, and other Black and white photographs and negatives including some taken during his military service in World War 1; Photographic equipment, accessories and notebooks; books and ephemera featuring Strangmans photography; correspondance; and documents related to Strangman's military service, photography work, estate and death.
Top 3 results view all 3129

Papers of Paul McGuire, 1878-1987

10.92 metres (78 boxes, 1 folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers include manuscripts, lectures, essays, official papers, literary correspondence, speeches, diaries, notebooks, subject files, photographs, newspaper cuttings, publications and other papers relating to McGuire's literary career, his official position as Minister and Ambassador to Italy and his interest in Catholic issues.
Top 3 results view all 389

Richard Bonynge and Dame Joan Sutherland collection, 1741-2015

(214 ms boxes, 436 music boxes, 13 small folio boxes, 75 medium folio boxes, 58 large folio boxes, 8 map folios, 3 small phase boxes, 2 large phase boxes, 2 oversized phase boxes, 604 sound/av carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 10757 encompasses Richard Bonynge and Dame Joan Sutherland's working career archive and research library, with the most substantial component comprising a vast array of music manuscripts, published scores and sets, sheet music, photocopies, and music excerpts. The archive contains a collection of singing methods, vocalises, and treatises ranging from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, used to research and develop singing techniques appropriate to different time periods and styles of vocal repertoire; as well as numerous scores and parts annotated and used by both Richard Bonynge and Joan Sutherland, including arrangements by Douglas Gamley for recordings and live performances, and Joan Sutherland's annotated libretti and performance notes.
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Australia : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 89

Lance Nelson photographic archive, 1961 - 2010

4.5 metres (11 ms boxes, 3 folio boxes, 17 folders)
Abstract Or Scope
The Lance Nelson photographic archive encompasses his entire career working as a documentary, freelance, commercial, corporate and stock photographer, internationally and in Australia. The collection comprises approximately 320 35 mm colour transparencies; 50,000 black and white negatives; 300 black and white prints; documents including personal and commercial correspondence, research notes, transcripts, note books, maps and published work including company annual reports and brochures. Includes proofs from Nelson's work for Annals magazine (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, 1966-1973) documenting the Northern Territory missions at Port Keats (Wadeye), Bathurst Island, Tiwi and Daly River; Papua New Guinea missions at D'Entrecasteaux Islands from Milne Bay to Rossel Island and Trobriand Island; contact sheets from Boggabri Country Town Family project; contact sheets of trip to Indonesia in 1966 documenting all major islands, families, farming, mining and culture for a publication: 'Mask of Time : an Indonesian discovery'.
Top 3 results view all 305

Papers of Eleanor Cullis-Hill, 1938-1940

0.15 metres (1 box, 1 folio, 20 large folders)
Abstract Or Scope
The material provides a selection of the work of the Sydney architect, Eleanor Beresford Cullis-Hill (n. Grant) from 1938 to 1980. The architectural drawings, photographs and papers give details on the original designs and additions to 19 projects, primarily domestic architecture but also including two kindergartens, a school and a church.

Hince 1 collection, 1700-1970

(2238 music items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of instrumental and vocal music, covering a broad musical repertoire. A large proportion of it is European and includes a variety of vocal music including art songs, choral music and operatic works as well as piano music, symphonies, orchestral music and miniature scores. Some editions from the 18th and 19th centuries are included.
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Papers of Graeme M. Clark, 1944-2015

(162 boxes) + 7 cartons + 1 small folio box + 2 medium folio boxes + 1 large folio box + 3 map folios + 1 container
Abstract Or Scope
The Papers of Graeme M. Clark comprises material relating to Professor Clark's career and the development of the bionic ear or cochlear implant. Papers include correspondence, notebooks and diaries, research and development material, audio tapes, photographs and slides, lecture notes, speeches, press clippings and other material, certificates, biographical material and publications by or relating to Clark.
Top 3 results view all 1569

Collection of exhibition posters from galleries in Victoria, 1971-1988

(13 posters)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of posters advertising various exhibitions held at galleries in Victoria including the National Gallery of Victoria, Exhibition Gallery (Monash University), Museum of Victoria and Realities Gallery.
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Papers of Jack Lindsay, 1893-1989

32.61 metres (209 ms boxes + 7 archive boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 7168 comprises letters to family, Australian and overseas writers, artists and others; drafts of published and unpublished works with background material (notes, photocopies and cuttings) relating to those works; and, diaries including trip diaries. Lindsay's letters are arranged chronologically with alphabetical indexes. Much of the collection comprises papers arranged by Lindsay according to his activities, especially publication projects, including books on William Blake, Gustave Courbet, William Hogarth, William Morris, and J.M.W. Turner, and interests in subjects such as alchemy, anthropology, art, Marxism and science.
Top 3 results view all 1060

Papers of Peter Sculthorpe

45.20 metres (167 ms boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 33 medium folio boxes + 11 small folio boxes + 3 map folios + 169 sound/av carriers + 108 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9676 is an extensive collection that documents fully Peter Sculthorpe's career as one of Australia's most distinguished composer. Commencing with early newspaper cuttings and other items about himself, Sculthorpe has amassed a large archive of papers relating to all aspects of his career. The papers comprise correspondence, music scores, subject files, writings by and about Sculthorpe, programs, reviews, financial records, general administrative papers and photographs.
Top 3 results view all 2588

2MBS Box 133


Australian theory of music collection, 1920-1970

(187 scores and volumes)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of material published by various Australian publishers giving examples of different musical forms. The material is issued predominantly for the public examinations in music conducted by the Universities of Melbourne, Adelaide, Tasmania and Western Australia, the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and the State Conservatorium of Music New South Wales on behalf of the Australian Music Examinations Board.

Royal Military College, Duntroon : ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 14 June 1930-09 March 1984

Abstract Or Scope
Celebration memorabilia catalogue. Support organisations information. Queen Elizabeth The Second's Banner. Musical performances. A memorial. A job advertisement.
Top 3 results view all 12

Papers of Sydney Tomholt, 1919-1973

2.8 metres (20 boxes, 3 folio items)
Abstract Or Scope
Represented in the papers is a large sequence of draft manuscripts and associated papers relating to Tomholt's chief work, an unfinished trilogy based on the life of Governor Macquarie, in which he was involved in meticulous research for over 20 years. Also filed in the collection are two letters from George Bernard Shaw to Tomholt (dated 1919), and correspondence with a number of Australian writers and intellectuals with whom Tomholt maintained a close association, such as C.K. Bliss, Tom Inglis Moore, R.D. FitzGerald, Hugh McCrae, R.G. Howarth, Nancy Keesing and Rosemary Dobson.

John Hoyle Cookery Collection, 1884-1995

Abstract Or Scope
The John Hoyle Cookery Collection comprises historical cookbooks chiefly from Australia. Cookbooks from New Zealand and England are also represented. Cookbooks of many varieties are included such as recipe books for home, students and professional use covering a wide range of cuisines. In addition there is a strong collection of cookbooks issued as advertising material from organisations selling, or advocating for, appliances, foods and other products. Many of the titles are listed in Hoyle, J. An annotated bibliography of Australian domestic cookery books, 1860s to 1950

Papers of Charles and John Ulm, 1803-2015

2.97 metres (8 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 folio packet + 3 folders + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9923 comprises papers collected by Charles Ulm as well as those collected by his son, John. The papers comprise newspaper cuttings, stamps, commemorative envelopes, correspondence, brochures, research notes, articles, reviews, certificates, talks, handwritten notes, photocopies of government records, business papers, photographs, maps and ephemera. The largest series in the collection is the commemorative and philatelic material, comprising stamps, commemorative envelopes, tribute albums, newspaper cuttings, articles and reviews relating to the 50th anniversary of the first trans-Pacific flight. The 1928 flight saw Charles Ulm fly with Charles Kingsford-Smith on the Southern Cross from Oakland, California to Brisbane, Australia (8 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Papers of Harold Arthur Fraser, 1881-1986

6.4 metres (40 boxes + 1 folio + 1 elephant item)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers of agriculturalist and soil conservationist H. A. Fraser were donated to the Library by Mr Fraser in 1987.
Top 3 results view all 152

Records of the War Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1770-1960

1358 items
Abstract Or Scope
The War Office records cover a wide variety of material relating to both Colonial and Australian involvements in armed conflicts. Amongst the records filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project are documents and correspondence of the Commander- in-Chief, Secretary-at-War, Secretary of State and Judge-Advocate General.
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Anne Summers Women's Collection, 1931-2017

796 items
Abstract Or Scope
The Anne Summers Women's Collection (ASWC) comprises of 796 books collected since the 1960s. This material is a unique record of the intellectual development of feminists engaging with transnational intellectual networks and social history of those times, including the impact of feminism on shaping social policy in Australia. The majority of materials in this collection are books published by various publishers including a number of government publications. The content covers a wide range of topics including women's rights, women's history, biographies, women and business, women in politics, sex roles, diversity, parenting, affirmative action for women, women and the media etc. There are also a small number of flyers, pamphlets, journal articles and speeches included in this collection. Most of of the volumes in this collection have handwritten annotations by Anne Summers. The collection also includes wide-ranging accompanying materials originally inserted into individual volumes, such as postcards, bookmarks, post-it notes, newspaper cuttings, press releases, invitations, letters, etc.

Papers of Gordon Hannington Luce, c.1912-1978

7.84 metres (57 boxes + 6 folio boxes + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The books and papers of Gordon H. Luce, the eminent scholar of Burmese history, were purchased from his family in 1980, one year after his death. Further additional papers were received in 1985 and 1987.

Papers of Edwin G. Tscharke, 1930-1998

5.1 metres (30 ms boxes + 1 large folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents aspects of life in remote Papua New Guinea, and in particular the process of establishing a primary care health facility with local community involvement.

Anzacs and Anzac Day 2010 - 2019 : programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2010 - 2019

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
Material includes Order of Services, concert and event programs, song and hymn sheets, and lecture programs for events held in Australia, Turkey, The United Kingdom, Thailand, France, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, and New Zealand.

Papers of Bernard Smith, 1902-2011

(113 ms boxes + 2 elephant folios + 1 large folio +1 archives box + 3 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 8680 comprises correspondence, principally with Jack Lindsay, 1979-1988, handwritten drafts, notes and typescripts of talks, lectures, addresses, book reviews and articles. There are a large number of drafts of articles, later published in journals and newspapers such as Meanjin, Art and Australia and the Age.

Ferguson local history microform collection, 1843-1975

Abstract Or Scope
Microform reproductions of mainly Australian local, church and school history pamphlets, arranged by state and locality, collected by John Alexander Ferguson. The collection includes material relating to New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea and Antarctica and some Pacific islands.
Top 3 results view all 1066

[Nimrod Theatre Company : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia], 1970 - 1988

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
The Nimrod Theatre Company, also known simply as The Nimrod, was an Australian theatre company in Sydney, New South Wales. It was founded by in 1970 by Australian actors John Bell, Richard Wherrett and Ken Horler, and produced "good new Australian drama". The Company was originally located in Nimrod Street, Kings Cross, in a building which is now home to Griffin Theatre Company. The company moved in 1974 to Belvoir Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, but retained its original name. From 1981-1988 it also played in the Seymour Centre theatres, but ceased operations in 1988. Subsequently, the Surry Hills venue became known as the Belvoir St Theatre.
Top 3 results view all 252

Papers of Maslyn Williams, 1850-1995

12.3 metres (70 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 7 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes material about Williams' World War II service and items pertaining to the photographer Damian Parer; research notes and manuscripts relating to publications about Asia; research note and manuscripts relating to Australian historical research and other writings; research notes and manuscripts relating to the history of the British Phosphate Commission; papers relating to the founding of the National Music Camp Association; other papers including drafts of writings.
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Records of the Commonwealth Games Australia, 1978-1982

33.88 metres (424 boxes + 1 folio)
Abstract Or Scope
Files of the Accreditation, Ceremonial, Communications, Corporate Funding, Marketing, Media Services, Operations, Personnel, Protocol, Transport, and Village divisions of the Foundation. Also includes records relating to promotions and advertising, staffing, accommodation, ticket sales and other records.
Top 3 results view all 1132

Papers of Mary E. White, 1984-2007

38 Cold Store binders [9097 slides]
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises slides taken by Jim Frazier during fieldwork with Mary E White. The images, which document fossils, landscapes, minerals and other geological features, were used for many of her publications including "The Greening of Gondwana" (1986), "Time in Our Hands: Semi-Precious Gemstones: Keys to the Geological Past" (1991), "Nature of Hidden Worlds: Reading the rock" (1999) and others. It provides a valuable documentary record of Australia's unique geology and landscape and is a testament to changing relationship of Australia's to the environment. Many of the slides have annotated housing with outlines, species names, measurements, and other information. There is also a small number of photographic prints and negatives included in the collection.
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Records of the Australian Youth Orchestra, 1948-2012

(118 boxes + 5 cartons + 5 folio boxes + 2 archives boxes + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The records in MS 7979 comprise early historical material, reports, brochures, cuttings, records relating to finances and appeals, photographs, Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) records, 1958-1988, including overseas tours, National Music Camp Association correspondence, 1953-1972, records on state camps, 1965-1980, numbered files, files on national music camps, 1954-1988, records on international camps, general administration records, 1973-1987, subject files, and other records (104 boxes).

Penny Tweedie Archive, 1958-2010, 1958 - 2010

40.95 metres (192 PIC boxes, 25 folio boxes, 3 map drawers)
Abstract Or Scope
The archive includes Penny Tweedie's photojournalist activities including war and conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The archive documents her interraction with Aboriginal Australia beginning in 1975 leading to a number of published works and the 1999 Walkley Award for photojournalism.

Orange, New South Wales : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 79

Papers of Manning Clark, 1907-1992

30.3 metres (198 boxes, 1 folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers that make up this collection were almost entirely created and assembled in Clark's home in Canberra. There is relatively little material on his teaching, his supervision of postgraduate students or his other official duties at Melbourne University, Canberra University College and the Australian National University. Similarly, there are few papers on his work for the Australia Council, the Australian Society of Authors and other organisations. Instead, the papers document his family life and friendships, his private thoughts and ideas, his travels, the research and writing of all his books and a huge number of articles, lectures, broadcasts, addresses and reviews, and his involvement in public debates and discussions. The bulk of the collection dates from about 1950 until his death in 1991.
Top 3 results view all 656

Papers of Sir Ransley Victor Garland, 1943-2007

80.4 metres (395 Archives Boxes + 26 MS Boxes + 8 Cartons + 3 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Most of the papers in MS 4989 relate to the political career of Garland as a member of the Liberal Party and federal parliamentarian. The wide variety of material includes subject files, correspondence, speeches, press releases, parliamentary committee files, constituency representations and electoral papers, invitations, honours recommendations, briefings and printed material. Six series relate to ministerial portfolios held by Garland, while others concern his period in Opposition from 1972-1975, his role as high commissioner to the United Kingdom, 1981-1983. The collection also comprises files relating to Garland's business and cultural activities in Britain, concert and opera programmes, exhibition catalogues, papers relating to Garland's business travels, company annual reports and art magazines
Top 3 results view all 1394

Papers and photographs of Jim Taylor, 1914-1987

0.9 metres (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers and records documenting Taylor's career as a Patrol Officer (kiap) in the New Guinea Highlands in the period 1927-49. The major component of the collection comprises photographs taken on the famous Hagen-Sepik Patrol led by Taylor in 1938-39. Taylor's patrol diary and reports, together with workbooks, field notes, letters and other papers accumulated during the expedition are represented amongst the supporting documentation. Other items of interest include materials recording the Bena-Hagen Patrol (1933-34), correspondence concerning the Leahy gold discovery, vocabularies, pocket diaries, lecture notes, papers relating to early post-World War II administrative policy and notes about Taylor's post-government career.
Top 3 results view all 220

Papers of Gordon Reid, 1987-1988

7.04 metres (44 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises extensive research files maintained by Professor Reid and his research assistants while researching the history of the Commonwealth Parliament. The files contain notes, articles, newspaper cuttings and printed materials, as well as photocopies of primary materials dating from as early as 1861.

Papers of the Hughes and Knight Gregson families, 1865-1962

(3 large folio boxes + 4 map folios + 13 folders + 2 volumes) + 2 PDF documents
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises original letters from Charlotte Louise Knight Gregson (nee Hughes) to her family of Middleton Hall, Northumberland, England after she emigrated to Australia in 1876 aged 26. Included are sketches, water colours, shipping documents, school reports and photographs. The letters detail her farming life in Harden, with comments on colonial life including the shearers' strike, suffragettes, 1890s banking crashes and bushfires. There is also mention of men going off to World War I, railway-building, the establishment of Canberra as the capital, and a relative who was part of Mawson's expedititon. Also included are letters from Frank Hughes (Charlotte Louise's brother) to his family, photographs of George Charles Knight Gregson and Frank Hughes, and a death notice and obituary of Stanly Hughes (Frank Hughes's son).
Top 3 results view all 309

Papers of Eric Gross, c.1931-2011

34.8 metres (48 ms boxes + 60 medium folio boxes + 1 large folio box + 156 sound/av carriers + 1 digital carrier)
Top 3 results view all 871

Henry Deane collection of photographs, ca. 1880 - ca. 1940

photographs; black and whitepostcards; black and white and in colour
Abstract Or Scope
Henry Deane, engineer and scientist, and later, botanist, arrived in Sydney January 1880 and was appointed a railway surveyor. Collection includes Deane family photographs, snapshots and portraits; snapshots of guests, including Annie Besant, at Theosophical Society garden parties in England. Also includes postcards from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.
Top 3 results view all 799

Papers of Stuart Macintyre, 1800s-2020s

(111 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers were donated to the Library by Professor Macintyre in 1999. An instalment of papers previously held by the Melbourne University Archives was added in May 2000 (series 19/31-45 and 20). Records of the Centenary of Federation Victoria Committee were added in 2003. A further transfer of correspondence and related papers was received in 2006.
Top 3 results view all 889

Papers of Marion Halligan, 1900-2023 (bulk 1980s-2010s)

(84 ms boxes + 2 cartons + 4 small cartons + 1 folio-box + 1 large folio-box + 1 map-folio + 2 binders + 32 digital carriers + 34 audiovisual carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The MS 8460 consignment comprises papers relating to Marion Halligan's prolific career as an author. There are drafts of her books, short stories and reviews and papers relating to her participation in numerous literary events. There is a large series of correspondence, the bulk of which is business related. Included is correspondence with literary agents Curtis Brown, numerous publishers regarding publication of Halligan's books, editors of journals and newspapers regarding publication of her short stories, reviews, essays and articles and with organisations regarding personal appearances. There is also correspondence with other authors, many of whom have become personal friends. Correspondents include Carmel Bird, Judith Brett, David Brookes, Manning Clark, Robert Dessaix, Geoffrey Dutton, Roseanne Fitzgibbons, Mem Fox, Susan Hawthorne, A.D. Hope, Nicholas Jose, Stephen Knight, Drusilla Modjeska, Douglas Muecke, Michael Symons, Brenda Niall, Ric Throssell, Nancy Sawer and Barbara Kerr Wilson (33 boxes, 1 fol. box).
Top 3 results view all 557

Papers of the Claux Family, 1910-2001

5.64 metres (12 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box + 3 map folios + 7 sound/av carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises of Claux and Crick family correspondence, diaries, notebooks and photographs. The collection also documents Moira Claux's personal and professional life as a dancer with the Bodenwieser Ballet, actress and artist's model and include correspondence, scripts, drawings, scrapbooks, black and white photographs by a variety of photographers including Max Dupain and Laurence Le Guay, publications, objects, certificates and artworks by Moira's brother Eugene.

Papers of Sir Percy Spender, 1937-1978

22.5 metres (17 ms boxes + 42 phase boxes + 1 folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers documenting Percy Spender's political, diplomatic and legal career including correspondence, speeches, press statements, cutting books, photographs of overseas trips and functions attended, itineraries, invitations, and printed material. The collection also includes papers of Lady Jean Spender, family photographs, papers relating to the Colombo Plan, and papers on French nuclear weapons explosions. Correspondents include Sir Robert Menzies, Sir Paul Hasluck, Sir Garfield Barwick, Sir Keith Officer, Sir Arthur Tange, Sir Alan Watt, Dr John Burton, John Foster Dulles, Dean Acheson, Thomas Mann, Felix Frankfurter, G.H. Hackworth, Ernest Bevin, Walter Crocker and Selwyn Lloyd.
Top 3 results view all 101

Anzacs and Anzac Day 2020 - 2029 : programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2020 - 2029

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
Material includes Order of Services, concert and event programs, song and hymn sheets, and lecture programs for events held in New South Wales, and Victoria.
Top 3 results view all 18

ANZAC Day, 25 April 2022 1 leaflet Box [unnumbered]

Top 3 results view all 177

Papers of the Gladwin Family, 1428-1891

0.78 metres (1 archives box + 3 large folios)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is a typical family assemblage of legal documents beginning in the early fifteenth century and relating to the Gladwin Family's holdings in the Manors of Nettswell and Northweld in Essex, England. The Gladwins disposed of their holdings when they came to Australia in the mid-nineteenth century, but brought the documents with them. The documents survived much travel with the family in Australia over the last hundred years. They are in excellent condition, beautifully written, and are good examples of the kind of manorial court documents of title held by "copyholders" or "tenants", of which there are very few if any, examples in Australia.

Papers of the Staunton Family, 1840-1903

0.15 metres (1 archives box + 1 large folio box)

Papers of Reverend Fred McKay., c.1919-2000

1.5 metres (1 folio)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 8127 comprises funeral memorabilia relating to Reverend Fred McKay including two videocassettes of the funeral and memorial services, and an invitation to the dedication of the Fred and Meg Peace Garden, 6 August 2000 (1 packet).The Acc01.068 instalment comprises correspondence, diaries, notebooks and files relating to people and organisations that McKay was involved with, including John Flynn, the R.A.A.F., Presbyterian Church and the Australian Inland Mission. There is some material relating to McKay's service as moderator-general. The collection also includes Uniting Church cuttings, drafts, photographs, tapes, videocassettes and objects (74 boxes, 2 fol. boxes, 3 poster rolls, 3 briefcases, 5 other boxes).

Papers of Daisy Bates, 1833-1990

(53 boxes, 2 folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers consist chiefly of Daisy Bates' manuscript and background material for The native tribes of Western Australia, written during Bates' period of service with the Western Australian Government from 1904 to 1912.

Papers of Marilyn Lake, 1964-2019

(89 ms boxes + 1 map-folio package)
Abstract Or Scope
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this collection may contain names, and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the author's attitude, or that of the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive.
Top 3 results view all 802

Records of the Uniting Church in Australia Frontier Services, 1897-2011

(2 Folders + 277 MS Boxes + 254 Archive Boxes + 2 Small Folio Boxes + 7 Medium Folio Boxes + 6 Large Folio Boxes + 5 Phase Boxes + 23 Volumes in bags + 2 Packets + 1 Map Folio + 5 Elephant Folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The great bulk of this collection is correspondence files with various subject headings. There are also minutes, financial records, maps, plans, photographs, news cuttings, printed material. All aspects of the Australian Inland Mission (A.I.M.) are represented, including history, the Aerial Medical Service, hospitals and hostels, United Church in Northern Australia, National and State Councils, publicity material, Far North Children's Health Scheme, Federal Methodist Inland Mission, patrol padres, Rev. John Flynn and Rev. Fred McKay. Also several artefacts and pieces of A.I.M. equipment.

Papers of Hazel Rowley

(28 boxes + 1 folder + 5 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises papers pertaining to Rowley's biographies: 'Christina Stead: A Biography (1994)', 'Richard Wright: The Life and Times (2001),' 'Tête-à-tête: The Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre' (2005), 'Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage' (2010). They include Rowley's correspondence with her subjects and those who knew them. In the first consignment the major correspondents are Edith Anderson, Leda and Stanley Burnshaw, Gwen Walker-Smith, Florence James, Jessie and Ettore Rella, Ruth Hall, David Stead, Ron Geering, Clifton Fadiman, Kate Llwellyn, Mary Bransten, Nadine Mendelson, Elizabeth Harrower, Gai Steel, Michael Bott, Margaret Harris, Michael Gold, Edith Anderson, Anne and Harry Bloom, Gilbert Stead, Fred Warburg, Oliver Stallybrass, Leah and Philip Harvey, and Aida Kotlarsky.In the second consignment of note is an original letter from Simone de Beauvoir, and original letters of Christina Stead. Other correspondents include Clem Christesen, Harper Lee, Simone de Beauvoir, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, William Vanden Heuvel, Constance Webb, Richard Wright, Barbara Baer, Oliver Stallybrass and Toril Moi, There are photographs, research files, transcripts and notes of interviews, manuscripts and papers for other work on topics such as 'The Hollywood Ten' and a copy of Rowley's thesis 'The Female Experience in the Autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir and Violette Leduc'. Journals, diaries, notes and log books provide further insight into Rowley's research work conducted in Australia and overseas.
Top 3 results view all 472

Papers of Grace Nolan, 1948-2021

(2 ms boxes, + 1 folder + 3 digital carriers + 16 audiovisual carriers + 6 audio carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
This consignment features folk stories of Grace Nolan's mother, Carmela Speranza, from her birth town in Italy, collected through audio visual recordings of her mother. These stories have been documented in Grace's manuscripts titled "More Stories My Mother Told Me" and "The Sun My Father The Moon My Mother", in which she has extended the work she began in her thesis "The Stories My Mother Told Me". These writings explore the oral tradition along with further background and collected stories. The stories have been recorded in the original dialect and translated by Grace into English, providing insight into the life of a migrant woman in Melbourne in the 1950s. There are copies of related texts - Folklore Della Calabria Vol 1 and Vol 2 by A. Basile (Ed) and Genevieve of Brabant by Christopher Von Schmid. There are copies and original family photographs taken in Italy and after Carmela migrated to Melbourne, Australia.
Top 3 results view all 45

McArthur-Macpherson Family Papers, 1844-2009

9.8 metres (14 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers are made up of a combination of documents, business records, correspondence, photographs and printed ephemera from and about the properties of Diana Baillieu's ancestors in Western Victoria; clippings, family history research material (some originals and many photocopies), printed ephemera, and correspondence among members of Diana Baillieu's generation. Interspersed among the papers are documents, correspondence, printed ephemera relating to Waltzing Matilda and specifically Christina Macpherson's role in introducing A.B.Paterson to the tune for the song.
Top 3 results view all 816

Papers of Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson (Lord Novar), 1912-1935

(16 ms boxes + 1 archive box + 2 small tubes + 1 packet + 2 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the collection falls within the period 1914-1920 when Lord Novar of Raith (Sir Ronald Craufurd Munro-Ferguson) was Governor-General. It includes official despatches from Novar to the King, private letters from Novar to the King's Private Secretaries and their replies, both personal and official despatches to the Secretaries of State for the Colonies and their replies and correspondence relating to Novar's official duties as Governor-General. Voluminous personal correspondence includes letters with W.M. Hughes, G.F. Pearce and leading military and political figures in Australia and England. The subject matter of both personal and official files includes the war, including recruiting and conscription, Australian political events at State and Commonwealth levels, the Australian economy, and Australian, Japanese, and British interests in the Pacific region. Correspondents include L.S. Amery, Sir James W. Barrett, Sir Edmund Barton, General W.R. Birdwood, Sir William Bridges, Sir James Burns, Bede Clifford, Sir Joseph Cook, Andrew Fisher, Lord Forrest, Sir Samuel Walker Griffith, L.V. Harcourt, A. Bonar Law, Walter Long, Sir Alfred Milner, Lord Stamfordham, Sir George Steward, Sir Gerald Strickland, Sir Henry MacMahon, Sir John Maxwell, J.G. Legge, Sir George Houston Reid, W. Watt, and E.D. Millen.

Darryl Thompson menu collection, 1859-2014

Abstract Or Scope
The Darryl Thompson Menu Collection includes menus from across Australia, domestic and international ships and airlines, several countries including France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and the Zollinger collection.

Rail tourism : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 141

Referendum 14 October 2023 : ephemera relating to the Australian Indigenous Voice referendum, 2023

1 collection
Abstract Or Scope
A collection of chiefly printed ephemera concerned with the issues and debate for and against a vote for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament referendum of 14 October 2023. The following materials are held: Brochures, booklets, banners, campaign buttons, caps, Internet webpage prints, media statements, pamphlets, posters, refrigerator magnets, stickers, sample ballot papers, speeches, T-shirts.
Top 3 results view all 237

2023 Referendum, 2023 2 cards Box [unnumbered]


Papers of Thomas Keneally, 1854-2023

(407 ms boxes + 3 folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 binder + 1 packet + 36 digital carriers + approximately 1211 audiovisual carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6428 comprises manuscripts and typescripts of novels, plays, short stories and articles and extensive correspondence. Works among the manuscripts include Bring larks and heroes, Confederates, The cut-rate kingdom, Halloran's little boat, Ned Kelly and the city of bees, Passenger, Season in purgatory, The survivor, A victim of the Aurora, "Bligh", and "Burke and Wills". A large proportion of the correspondence is with publishers, literary agents and editors including Philip Ziegler, Tessa Sayle, James Moad, Thomas Stewart, Peter Grose, Donald Horne, Peter Cross, W.R. Cumming, John Abernethy, Clem Christesen, Tim Curnow, Geoff Barnes, Geoffrey Blainey, Alec Bolton, Barbara Buick, Peter Coleman, Sir William Collins, Xavier Herbert, Leonie Kramer, Les Murray, Cyril Pearl, Grace Perry, Patricia Rolfe, Fred Schepisi, Gavin Souter and Douglas Stewart. Papers relating to Keneally's involvement with the Australian Republican Movement include correspondence, administrative papers, cuttings, publicity material, newsletters and journals (16 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Papers of Raymond Watt, 1887-2003

4.92 metres (27 archives boxes + 2 folders)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 1923 comprises newspaper cuttings, notes, broadcasts, correspondence, addresses, articles, pamphlets, printed materials and other records relating to Raymond Watt's work for the Australian League of Nations Union and as a public relations consultant. The papers also include personal reseach files on international and Australian domestic affairs, career opportunities in Australia, art, literature and other topics (27 boxes).

Papers of Dame Rachel Cleland, 1885-2002

(63 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The MS 9601 collection comprises correspondence, drafts, speeches, photographs and papers relating to the Aboriginal land rights and environmental causes Rachel Cleland supported in Australia.
Top 3 results view all 601

Papers of Roberta "Bobbi" Sykes, 1970-2010

(5 archives boxes + 1 ms box + 1 large folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Roberta 'Bobbi' Sykes - poet, author and activist for Indigenous rights. This collection contains speeches, correspondence, papers and articles, as well as photographs and audio cassettes.
Top 3 results view all 78

Brisbane, Queensland : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 179

Records of the Christmas Island Staff Association, 1976-1982

1.82 metres (13 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The records of the Christmas Island Staff Association were donated to the National Library by the former secretary of the Association, Bill Bovell. They cover the activities of the Association from its formation in 1976 until it was disbanded in 1982. Most of the material consists of files, some of which are numbered and well indexed on the inside front cover. An index to these is appended. These files include minutes; correspondence, discussions, agreements, newsletters and administrative records. Unnumbered files relate mainly to the union activities of the Association and date from early 1980. However some fall within the previously mentioned categories and have been grouped with like files in the series. Correspondence covers letters, both typed and handwritten and telexes. It is filed according to correspondents which are the British Phosphate Company (and later the Phosphate Mining Company of Christmas Island), the Government (both that of the Territory of Christmas Island and the Australian), the Arbitrator (Mr J. Taylor) and members of the Association, Union records include claims, disputes, variations to the award and salaries and conditions of employment. The issue of "redundancy" was an important one throughout the life of the Association and not only are a number of files devoted to it but there are references to it on many of the other files. Besides the Associations records the collection includes records of the Christmas Island Advisory Council and submissions to the Sweetland Inquiry into the viability of Phosphate mining on Christmas Island. The creation of series has been based on the arrangement of the Associations file index. As already mentioned both numbered and unnumbered files have been grouped when they are related and each file has been given a unique number for identification within a series. To avoid confusion with file index numbers these latter numbers have been incorporated into the title of the file. A list of files is given in Appendix II.
Top 3 results view all 110

Papers of Sir Frederick Wheeler, 1924-1994

9.58 metres (42 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the papers in this collection comprise files which relate to Wheeler's time as Chairman of the Public Service Board (1960-71) and as Secretary of the Commonwealth Treasury (1971-79).
Top 3 results view all 300

Papers of Henry Pelham Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle under Lyme (as filmed by the AJCP), 1841-1865

57 items
Abstract Or Scope
Letter-books, correspondence and official papers documenting such subjects as: colonial appointments; honours; constitutional difficulties in New South Wales; inter-colonial relations; Victorian goldfields; the New Zealand Company; church in the colonies; introduction of coloured labour; colonial defences; transportation to Western Australia; the Maori Wars; confiscation of Maori lands; and American claims to Fiji.
Top 3 results view all 65

Australia, 1841-1865 7 items


Papers of Eric C. Rolls., 1821-2009

(34 MS Boxes + 2 Packets)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 7027 comprises correspondence, manuscripts, lectures, reviews, notes, posters, photographs, publications, and historical material on the Doyle and Eather families. The collection includes manuscripts of The green mosaic, Running wild, The river and A million wild acres. Many of the papers relate to natural history and conservation in New South Wales. Correspondents include George Johnston, Douglas Stewart, John Tierney, Nancy Keesing, Barry Watts, Barbara Ker Wilson, John Thompson, Hal Porter and Elizabeth Harrower (34 boxes, 1 fol. box).