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Papers of John Joseph Davoren, 1922-1971

4.79 metres (8 archive boxes + 5 ms boxes + 1 ms carton + 1 large folio box + 1 medium phase box + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers reflect Davoren's legal work and include briefs, addresses to juries, and copies of journal and seminar articles. There is also correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, cash ledger and address books and some printed items.
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? Box 12


Papers of Sir Neville Howse, 1910-1967

0.75 metres (2 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
'Suma' Howse family farm outside Orange, N.S.W. Now Orange airport. 'Nareena' Howse family home in Orange, N.S.W. 'Killiney' Howse family home in Orange, N.S.W.
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Papers and correspondence of Henry Handel Richardson, 1852-1983

13.15 metres (18 ms boxes + 4 archives boxes + 33 security binders + 1 small folio box + 1 medium phase box + 1 large folio box + 2 map folios + 2 volumes + 1 scrapbook + 2 folio packets + 93 books)
Abstract Or Scope
Drafts, including manuscripts, of Neils Lyhne, The young Cosima, Myself When Young, The End of a Childhood Ultima Thule. Original typescript versions of: Maurice Guest, The Getting of Wisdom, Myself When Young. Final copies of: Maurice Guest, The Getting of Wisdom, The Fortunes of Richard Mahony The Young Cosima. Notes photos for The Fortunes of Richard Mahony. Letters to writer Oliver Stonor 1929-1946, copies of 50 letters 1931-1933 to Jacob Schwartz photocopies of letters 1911-1946, to Mary Kernot. (Many of the original handwritten drafts of her works were destroyed in Henry Handel Richardson's lifetime). Original manuscript music scores by Richardson; correspondence with Paul Solanges 1910-1914 notes on his translation of 'Maurice Guest'; albums of newspaper cuttings; editions of her books and books used by her in researching 'The young Cosima'. Also, a copy of a record, (1953) of Walter Lindesay Richardson MD at the Yarra Bend Asylum 1878-1879.
Top 3 results view all 574



Records of the Australian National Research Council, 1919-1954

4.5 metres (66 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers include Executive Council minute books (1926-1953); and minutes of general meetings (1921-1955); correspondence for the years 1920-1954, largely arranged by subject, concerning the internal administration of the Council, its many activities and affiliations within Australia in the cause of scientific research, and its links with overseas bodies, including the International Research Council; a complete set of Australian Social Science Abstracts; press cuttings concerning the work of Australian scientists (1922-1927); and the financial records of the Council, being bank books, balance sheets, receipt books and ledgers.
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- Box 58


Papers of Anna Reynolds, 1998-2004

(503 digital files)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection primarily comprises material created and maintained by Anna Reynolds during her time as founder and coordinator of the Climate Action Network Australia (CANA), 1998-2001. CANA is "... a network of organisations working together to protect people from climate change and its impacts, to safeguard our natural environment, and to build a fairer and healthier Australia". The collection includes conference programs, reports, correspondence, budget and funding files, website content, files relating to the World Wildlife Fund, media releases, planning and briefing documentation, subject files, tax campaigns, CANA directories, presentations, submissions and meeting files.

Papers of Peter Freeman, 1800-2021

(161 ms boxes + 62 binders + 4 large folio boxes + 19 medium folio boxes + 26 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6421 comprises correspondence, drafts and photographs for publication by Oxford University Press of Peter Freeman's 1982 book The homestead: a Riverina anthology.
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Top 3 results view all 654

Papers of Michael Noonan, 1891-1997 (bulk 1945-1997)

15.96 metres (114 ms boxes + 1 small folio box + 1 packet + 2 map folios + 3 sound/av carriers + 9 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers comprise Michael Noonan's literary output as a scriptwriter for radio, television and film and as a novelist and biographer from the 1940s until the publication of his autobiography in 1995. The literary papers include drafts, plot outlines, film treatments, notebooks, research materials and business correspondence. The collection also includes family and general correspondence, personal documents, legal papers and photographs. Major correspondents include Bill and Ann Moloney, Harvey Unna (agent), Kurt Hellmer (agent), Nadine Hopkins, Catherine Ingall, Chips Rafferty, Harry Rosengrave and Ted Willis.
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Papers collected by Leon Kashnor, 1650-1870

(1 medium folio box + 15 archives boxes + 10 folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The main bulk of the manuscripts is made up of some fifteen hundred pieces from the Townshend papers relating chiefly to the period 1688 to 1753. Apart from the principal group the collection includes Gregory King's Observations and conclusions natural and political, upon the state and condition of England etc.. some letters of John Stuart Mill, a number of letters from Robert Owen, (a small group written mainly by Chartists to J.A. Roebuck), (and a considerable group of letters and other material of W.J. Linton).
Top 3 results view all 1571
Top 3 results view all 652

Papers of Geoffrey Bolton, 1931-2015

(70 ms boxes + 1 card box)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents Geoffrey Bolton's professional life as an historian, academic and author. They include correspondence, reviews, notes, projects, lectures, speeches, conference papers, drafts of writings, cuttings, photographs and other printed material. Subjects include Bolton's association with The Oxford History of Australia, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate, Constitutional Centenary Foundation and the Australian Bicentennial History Project; papers relating to publications include 'A fine country to starve in', 'Being whitefella', 'Richard Daintree: a photographic memoir', 'Spoils and Spoilers: Australians make their environment 1788-1980', 'A Thousand miles away : a history of north Queensland to 1920', 'Dick Boyer, an Australian humanist', 'Paul Hasluck : a life' and 'Edmund Barton'.
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Records of the Australian Reproductive Health Alliance, 1989-2012

(119 ms boxes + 1 elephant folio item + 1 rolled items box)
Top 3 results view all 788

Papers of Ken Ferguson, 1936-2007

18.45 metres (101 ms boxes + 1 large folio box + 6 small folio boxes + 1 medium elephant folio)
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March 4 Justice: ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2021-03-15

Abstract Or Scope
Held on the 15th of March 2021, the March 4 Justice protests were a grass roots movement. Initiated in response to recent reporting regarding the alleged rape of political staffer Brittany Higgins at Parliament House and alleged historical rape allegations against then Attorney General Christian Porter, the protests were largely organised via social media. Janine Hendry is credited as sending the Tweet that started the movement (, The Guardian Australia).
Top 3 results view all 130
Top 3 results view all 491

Joyce Evans archive, 1946-2017

(96 MS boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 10128 120 film negatives (B&W + colour) + 52339 35mm negatives (B&W + colour) + 3209 negatives, various sizes (B&W + colour) + 31 audio cassettes + 2 audio CDs + 1 VHS + 417 photographs (B&W) + 2383 photographs (colour) + 983 colour polaroid photographs + 2068 contact sheets)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes business notes, teaching materials, correspondence, exhibition ephemera and planning notes, valuations, oral histories, journals, financial records, and photographic material.
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Mary Broderick Lowe photographic archive, 1955-1981

2025 slides
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises 2025 slides mostly capturing views of Canberra and the surrounding Australian Capital Territory region, including the Snowy Mountains, New South Wales. It also includes views from various locations in the Northern Territory, Tasmania, Adelaide and New South Wales, and New Zealand.
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Papers of Margaret Lasica, 1935-1997

(27 boxes + 6 folio boxes + 1 elephant folio item + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
The Papers of Margaret Lasica are professional and personal papers documenting Lasica's involvement with a variety of Australian dance companies, her professional reading, and the Modern Dance History Project and Archive. The most extensive components of the collection are those relating to the Modern Dance Ensemble, and The Modern Dance History Project and Archive, which was initiated by Lasica to document the early history of modern dance in Australia.
Top 3 results view all 272

1 Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


10 - Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


10 - Beck Shelf-Short OH2-1-030


[Ephemera relating to Australian federal election campaigns between 1931 and 1937], 1931-1937

Abstract Or Scope
This collection covers ephemera produced for the Australian federal election campaigns held between 1931 and 1937; including the federal elections of 19 December 1931, 15 September 1934 and 23 October 1937. As well as the Wynnum By-election (28 April 1934) and the Australian Labor Party Senate Selection Ballots for 1931, 1934 and 1937. The collection covers mainly printed materials issued by the parties and independents for both Houses of Parliament. The range of ephemera includes leaflets, flyers, newspaper clippings, envelopes and tickets.
Top 3 results view all 278