
Search Results

Records of the Australian Choreographic Centre, 1979-2007

(70 boxes + 1 folio box + 13 bundles of posters + 23 oversize posters + 255 sound/av carriers + 28 digital carriers)
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Papers of Lucky Grills, c. 1940-2007

(22 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box + 6 map folios + 395 sound/av carriers + 27 digital carriers)

Papers of Thomas Keneally, 1854-2023

(407 ms boxes + 3 folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 binder + 1 packet + 36 digital carriers + approximately 1211 audiovisual carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6428 comprises manuscripts and typescripts of novels, plays, short stories and articles and extensive correspondence. Works among the manuscripts include Bring larks and heroes, Confederates, The cut-rate kingdom, Halloran's little boat, Ned Kelly and the city of bees, Passenger, Season in purgatory, The survivor, A victim of the Aurora, "Bligh", and "Burke and Wills". A large proportion of the correspondence is with publishers, literary agents and editors including Philip Ziegler, Tessa Sayle, James Moad, Thomas Stewart, Peter Grose, Donald Horne, Peter Cross, W.R. Cumming, John Abernethy, Clem Christesen, Tim Curnow, Geoff Barnes, Geoffrey Blainey, Alec Bolton, Barbara Buick, Peter Coleman, Sir William Collins, Xavier Herbert, Leonie Kramer, Les Murray, Cyril Pearl, Grace Perry, Patricia Rolfe, Fred Schepisi, Gavin Souter and Douglas Stewart. Papers relating to Keneally's involvement with the Australian Republican Movement include correspondence, administrative papers, cuttings, publicity material, newsletters and journals (16 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Mary Broderick Lowe photographic archive, 1955-1981

2025 slides
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This collection comprises 2025 slides mostly capturing views of Canberra and the surrounding Australian Capital Territory region, including the Snowy Mountains, New South Wales. It also includes views from various locations in the Northern Territory, Tasmania, Adelaide and New South Wales, and New Zealand.
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Papers of Patrick White, 1930-2002

5.07 metres (32 archive boxes + 1 folio box)
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Papers of Patrick White, covering his career and literary work from the early 1930s through to his death in 1990. The collection includes: correspondence received and drafts of correspondence sent by White (1939-1994); 10 literary notebooks (1930s-1970s) which include the beginnings of most of White's 12 novels; papers relating to White's autobiography Flaws in the glass, including all manuscript and typescript drafts; typescripts, corrections and correspondence relating to 3 published novels together with manuscripts for 2 unpublished novels and a novella (c.1965-1986); manuscripts for 3 late plays, typescripts for several major plays, and manuscripts of several [never performed] dramatic works (c.1962-1996); manuscripts and typescripts for several short stories (c.1976-1988); manuscripts for a number of poetry and short prose works (c.1970-c.1988); manuscripts and typescripts of speeches (1972-1989); dramatised extracts, scripts and artwork adapted from or based on White's work (1960-1987); address books and diaries (1960s-1990s); personal documents and certificates (1940-1988); awards received by White (1974-1987); files relating to the Patrick White Literary Award and Patrick White's Choice (1975-1990); theses and draft publications about White's work (1969-1986); scripts written by others and sent to White (1980-1990); photographs (1930-1984); ephemera (1960-1993); and printed material (1934-1990).

Papers of Ruby Rich, 1906-1984

(111 boxes + 2 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscript, minutes, speeches, broadcasts, cuttings, publications, mainly relating to Ruby Rich's involvement in numerous women's, Jewish, cultural and international organisations. They include the Australian Federation of Women Voters, International Alliance of Women, Women's International Zionist Organisation, United Nations Commission on Status of Women, Racial Hygiene Centre, Family Planning Association of New South Wales, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Judge Rainbow Memorial Appeal Fund, United Nations Association of Australia, Commonwealth Countries' League, Australia-Israel Society for Cultural Exchange and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Correspondents include her sister Vera Wild and her nephew Charles Rich, Bessie Rischbieth, Edith Hedger, Julia Rapke, Constance Davey and her husband Dr. Maurice Schalit.

Papers of Sheila Fitzpatrick, 1940-2011

(6 ms boxes + 2 map folios + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Sheila Fitzpatrick relating to her early life in Australia, study and career in the United Kingdom and Russia, as well as papers relating to her professional life following her return to Australia. The collection includes papers relating to Fitzpatrick's childhood (correspondence, scrapbook, photographs), secondary school and University (pocket diaries, poetry, correspondence), early career in United Kingdom (1964-1970), Moscow in the 1960s, and general personal correspondence (crossing all periods). Also included are papers of her parents Brian and Dorothy Fitzpatrick.
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Programs and ephemera regarding Sir Robert Helpmann, 1924-2009

544 items
Abstract Or Scope
This finding aid lists programs and ephemera which document all aspects of Sir Robert Helpmann's extensive career as dancer, choreographer, director, and actor in Australia and overseas. Robert Helpmann's extensive career started with ballet, acting from 1930, and he then emerged as a company choreographer in 1942. He also directed and produced, and worked in opera, film, and musical theatre.Helpmann's career in Australia with the Australian Ballet, other Australian companies, and in the Old Vic. Co. tour of Australia in 1955 are not included: Material relating to these productions are located under the respective names of the companies he worked with. (For instance, programs relating to Helpmann's Australian and New Zealand tours of Nude with violin are located within the separate J.C. Williamson General files of the PROMPT Collection.)

Mitchell, Terry (actor) : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia, 1968-

1 collection.
Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Australian performing arts programs and ephemera (PROMPT) collection consists of programs and related items of Terry Mitchell including various concert programs of his performances.
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