Images of Australia : a history of Australian children's literature 1941-1970 / Maurice Saxby
- Bib ID:
- 1594639
- Format:
- Book
- Author:
- Saxby, H. M. (Henry Maurice), 1924-2014
- Online Version:
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- Description:
- Sydney : Scholastic Australia, 2002
- 848 p. ; 25 cm.
- 1865042773
- 1865044563
- Summary:
Images of Australia: a history of Australian children's literature 1941-1970.
- Full contents:
- Machine derived contents note: Introduction 1
- I The Historical, Social and Educational Context 7
- Eleanor Spence 9
- Colin Thiele 1 1
- Joan Phipson 12 12
- Ivan Southall 12
- David Martin 13
- An Australian literature 17
- The educational context 22
- The cultural context 26
- Children's libraries 26
- School libraries and services 29
- The Children's Book Council of Australia 30
- Publishing and bookselling 32
- Specialist collections 34
- Educational publishing 35
- Shifting emphases 40
- 2 Advance Australia Fair 58
- European discovery and early exploration 58
- First Fleet and settlement at Sydney Cove 64
- Doris Chadwick 66
- Early Sydney 70
- Eve Pownall 72
- Nance Donkin 73
- Colonial Australia 77
- Judith Wright 81
- Eleanor Spence 85
- Mavis Thorpe Clark 90
- 3 Young and Free: Immigrants, Settlers
- and New Australians 99
- The migrant family 1 102
- Nan Chauncy 105
- Happy immigrants 108
- Dale Collins 1 108
- Lydia S Eliott 113
- Emigrant adventures 114
- William Hatfield 114
- G W Barrington 115
- Robin Baker and Robert Bateman 117
- Newcomers and assisted migrants: tthe New Australians 119
- Allan Aldous 120
- Denys Burrows 125
- At the diggings: the search for gold and mineral wealth 129
- The Eureka Stockade 129
- The Diggings 131
- Frank Gerald Kellaway :133
- Margaret Paice 135
- Other than gold 136
- Mavis Thorpe Clark 137
- A wider perspective 139
- George Finkel 139
- 4 The Face of Australia: Mapping the Landscape 144
- Landscapes: the wilderness 146
- The desert 149
- Mary Elwyn Patchett 1 49
- Reginald Ottley 150
- Joan Woodbery 155
- Olaf Ruhen 156
- The Bush: rural and community life 1 57
- The pastoral landcape 157
- Dale Collins 158
- Nan Chauncy 160
- Joan Phipson 166
- Patricia Wrightson 169
- Overseas Publishing 170
- Life on the rivers and the river trade 171
- Ray Harris 173
- Elizabeth Wilton 176
- Max Fatchen 177
- Colin Thiele 1 7 9
- Regions and communities: the Barossa Valley 180
- The New South Wales central coast 182
- Eleanor Spence 182
- Timber country and remote corers 184
- Margaret Paice 184
- The Blue Mountains 186
- The Snowy country 187
- Elyne M itchell 18 8
- Seascapes: the sea, the coast and the seaside 189
- The Sea 1 189
- Colin Thiele 19 0
- The coast and the seaside 193
- Joan Woodbery 193
- Cityscapes 1 196
- Miles Franklin 1 9 7
- Landscape as event and as character 199
- Len H Evers 2 0 0
- Patricia Wrightson 203
- Hesba Fay Brinsmead 209
- Mapping Australia 217
- 5 A Land of Adventure 224
- The Superhero 3 0
- Biggles 230
- Simon Black 232
- Colossal Corcoran 234
- Dirk Rogers 235
- Peter Kent 2 3 7
- Peter Keene 2 3 9
- Captain Mettle 239
- Jeremy Danby 240
- The heroic tradition 241
- Allan Aldous 241
- The Royal Flying Doctor Service 248
- James M Downie 249
- Elizabeth Beresford 250
- Michael Noonan 251
- Adventure in the outback ' 253
- The Kimberleys 254
- Richard Henry Graves 256
- Phyllis Mary Power 257
- Joan Woodbery 260
- Mary Elwyn Patchett 261
- Adventure at sea 269
- R S Porteous 269
- Alan Villiers 272
- James Vance Marshall 272
- John Gunn 273
- Islands; reefs; treasure and mystery 274
- Charles Leslie Barrett 276
- Pearls 277
- Sunken/buried treasure 277
- Harold Arthur Lindsay 278
- Melva Lear 279
- Mervyn A Cooke 2 0 280
- Paul Buddee 280
- Leslie Rees 2 282
- Variations on the theme 282
- War, the cold war, politics 284
- Charles S Gould 285
- Claire Meillon 285
- Coutts Brisbane 286
- Jim Blair 288
- George Finkel 289
- N E Buette 290
- Nancy Parker 290
- Uranium 291
- Woomera 2 92
- Seducing the reader with story 294
- Ruth Park 295
- Survival and a new concept of the heroic:
- 'real adventure belongs to us' 299
- Ivan Southall 299
- Bushfire 316
- Flood 318
- Survival 318
- Lilith Norman 319
- 6 Aboriginal Life and Lore 327
- Government policies 332
- The image of the Aboriginal in children's literature 334
- M yalls and savages 336
- The vanguished savage 337
- The courteous savage 339
- The respected savage and the skilful tracker 340
- A n th ro p o lo g y 3 4 3
- Norman Barnett Tindale and Haro,ld Arthur Lindsay 345
- Paternalism 347
- Guide, protector, friend and saviour 348
- Mavis Thorpe Clark 350
- Judith Wright 352
- Joan Woodbery 353
- James Vance Marshall 355
- Cross cultures and race relations 359
- Frederick John McLeod 359
- Rex Ingamells 3 6 0
- M J Unw in 362
- Stella Sammon 364
- Patricia Wrightson 365
- Nan Chauncy 3 6 9
- Of two worlds 3 2 372
- Hesba Fay Brinsm ead 372
- Audrey Oldfield 37 5
- Island people 378
- Kylie Tennant 3 7 9
- Elisabeth Maclntyre 381
- Picture books and the curious blackman 382
- Brownie Downing 386
- Mary and Elizabeth Durack 387
- Photographic art 389
- Legends and stories 391
- K Langloh Parker 395
- Framing the stories 399
- Folktale and fantasy 401
- Stories from the source 402
- Retellings of collected stories 406
- 7 Families, Friends and Neighbours 415
- Childness 418
- A feminine bias 420
- New talents; new energy 421
- Idealised/ romanticised families 422
- Echoes of war 424
- Charles S Gould 424
- Anne Bracken 424
- Dora Joan Potter 426
- Dora Birtles 427
- Keane Wilson 427
- Ruth Marjorie Hawker 428
- Personal development and religion 427
- Guides to healthy living 429
- Bible stories 431
- Fiction 432
- Deborah Elizabeth Bennett 432
- Marjorie Buckingham 433
- Resourceful females 435
- Dora Birtles 436
- Margaret Traill Bartleet 436
- Joyce Nicholson 437
- Nance Clare Donkin 438
- Irene Cheyne 441
- Veronica Kathleen Basser 442
- Images of the family 442
- Helen Fowler 444
- Family structures and roles 445
- Father-son relationships and family 1euding 448
- Richard Parker 448
- The Larrikin 449
- Fatty Finn and Ginger Meggs 451
- The larrikin in action 453
- The cheerful larrikin 454
- Smiley 455
- Ira (Iris) Nesdale 459
- Joan Woodbery 460
- Louts and delinquents 461
- The Establishment writes 461
- Margaret Paice 464
- Nan Chauncy 4 6 8
- Joan P hipson 4 7 8
- Patricia Wrightson 491
- Eleanor Spence 498
- Mavis Thorpe Clark 502
- Hesba Fay Brinsmead 511
- Margaret Balderson 521
- A composite picture 525
- Books for Young Adults 528
- Females in the novel for young adults 531
- Nourma Handford 531
- Males in the novel for young adults 536
- John K iddell 5 3 8
- John Mill Couper 540
- 8 Fantasy in Australia 553
- An Australian fairyland? 554
- Searching for Australian fairies 5 556
- Moralising fairies 557
- Displaced fairies 558
- Peg Maltby 5 6 1
- An Australian landscape: bush fantasies 564
- Light-hearted fantasy for young readers 570
- Escapist Fantasy 571
- Humour and satire 578
- Sydney Alexander Wakefield 580
- Randolph Stow 582
- Secondary worlds 5 585
- Mariorie Collard O'Dea 586
- Alan Marshall 588
- Nan Chauncy 591
- Science fiction 594
- 9 Animal Life and Nature 603
- The wonderland of nature: lessons in natural science 608
- First books and picture stories for early childhood 614
- Timothy Kay 615
- Elisabeth Maclntyre 61 6
- Slugs, worms and caterpillars 617
- Animal young and the life cycle 619
- Leslie Rees and Walter Cunningham 621
- More animal young 626
- Supplementary readers and cirriculum support 627
- Kangaroos 630
- Skippy 631
- More talking animals and insects 635
- David Hunter Gilmore 636
- Ruth Park 6 3 8
- Judith Wright 6 4 0
- Realistic novels of bird and animal Life 641
- Henry George Lamond 642
- Charles Kenneth Thompson 645
- Wild dogs and brumbies 648
- Mary Elwyn Patchett 6 4 8
- Elyne Mitchell 654
- Horse stories 6 6 0
- The Thylacine 663
- Pets and domestic animals 664
- 10 Early and Middle Childhood Literature 73
- First books 679
- Nursery rhymes, alphabet and counting books 679
- Developing concepts and playing with ideas 682
- Kathleen Mellor 68 2
- Jill Meillon 684
- Mass marketing 685
- Anne Bracken 6 8 7
- Connie Christie 688
- John Mystery 6 8 9
- Illustrated stories and the development
- of the picture book 692
- Photographic picture books 695
- Mechanised heroes 700
- The evolving picture book 702
- Ted Greenwood 714
- Desmond Digby 1 5
- Beginning readers 716
- Jean Chapman 7 1 7
- Irene Cheyne 718
- Barbara Woods 72 2
- Middle childhood and junior novels 724
- Ella McFadyen 7 2 6
- Thomas Stuart Gurr 7 728
- Mavis Thorpe Clark 730
- Betty Roland 734
- 11 Songs, Plays and Poetry 741
- Songs 742
- Plays 7 4 7
- Poetry 7 5 1
- A boriginality in verse 752
- Domestic verse 754
- Nature and wild life 763
- Humour and whimsy 767
- Dame Mary Gilmore 771
- Anthologies 773
- Verse by young Australians 776
- Conclusion 782
- Images of the landscape 785
- Images of white discovery, settlement and early Australia 787
- Images of changing social conditions and
- attitudinal m odification 788
- Images of the family and a structured society 788
- The developing nature of narrative 789
- Images of popular culture 791
- Title Index 795
- General Index 5 82
- Publishers 848.
- Notes:
- A complete rewrite of Saxby's History of Australian children's literature, 1941-1970.
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Subject:
- Other authors/contributors:
- Copyright:
In Copyright
You may copy under some circumstances, for example you may copy a portion for research or study. Order a copy through Copies Direct to the extent allowed under fair dealing. Contact us for further information about copying.
- Reason for copyright status:
- Until 2084 [Creator Date of Death + 70 Years]
Copyright status was determined using the following information:
- Material type:
- Literary, dramatic or musical work
- Presumed date of death of creator (latest date):
- 2014
- Published status:
- Published
- Publication date:
- 2002
Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections.
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